Form 8822: Everything You Need to Know
After moving into a brand new residence, you can use Form 8822 to inform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of your change of address. 2 min read
What Is Form 8822?
Form 8822 is a change of address form. After moving into a new residence, you can use Form 8822 to inform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of your change of address. The IRS might ship notices, refund checks, and different correspondence referring to your private, current, and property taxes to your final identified address, which is the one listed in your most up-to-date tax return.
Filling out Form 8822
Form 8822 requires basic info, the kind of tax return you file, your previous mailing address, and your new mailing address. If you are married and file joint returns, you will be able to change your partner's address on Form 8822.
Listing Nontraditional Addresses
If you relocate overseas, the IRS suggests using the international address in the format typically used in that nation. If you would like your entire tax-related correspondence dispatched to a third party (such as your lawyer), you'll be able to enter “c/o” – an abbreviation for “care of” before the lawyer's title and mailing address.
Updating Your Mailing Address on Form 8822
You will use Form 8822 to change your mailing address, which might be different from the address of your permanent residence. In the event you're self-employed and the mailing address of your enterprise needs modifications, you'll be able to notify the IRS on Form 8822-B.
Where Do I Mail Form 8822?
On the center of the second web page for Form 8822, you will see “Where to File?” Clicking on this will inform you where to mail the form based on your previous address. Your tax return and Form 8822 should be mailed individually.
Alternatives to Form 8822
- If you are not required to file a tax return, you most likely do not need to fill out Form 8822. If you do file a tax return, and you're planning to file your subsequent one quickly, you'll be able to merely enter your new mailing address directly on the tax return instead of filling out Form 8822.
- You also can write a letter to the IRS including the same information required in Form 8822. Failing to change your mailing address with the IRS might have some penalties if time-sensitive supplies are dispatched to your last identified address. You are deemed to have obtained something the IRS sends to your final identified address, which means the IRS would not have to offer you extra time to answer a letter demanding that you just pay extra tax, for instance, simply since you forgot to update your mailing address after you moved.
If you need help filling out Form 8822, you can post your legal need (or post your job) on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.