State of Nevada LLC Search: Everything You Need to Know
A state of Nevada LLC search can be done to check the availability of a business name you'd like to use or to obtain information about an existing business. 3 min read
A state of Nevada LLC search can be done to check the availability of a business name you'd like to use or to obtain information about an existing business. In most cases, you can get the information you need by checking the Secretary of State's online database.
LLC Name Availability
When you're in the process of starting a limited liability company, or LLC, in Nevada, you'll want to conduct a name availability search. You can follow these steps for naming your business.
- Select an appropriate name by adhering to state naming guidelines.
- Conduct a name search by using the name availability tool, which will let you know if your desired LLC name is available to use in the state.
- Check for an available URL, even if you don't have plans to create a website right away. Securing the domain name will prevent someone else from buying it.
To see if a name is available, visit the Nevada Business Search page at the Secretary of State website. Enter your desired LLC name into the search field and click “Search.”
If no matching names come up in your search, the name is most likely available for you to use.
Business Entity Search
You might conduct a business entity search to find out the following about an existing business:
- If it's in good standing
- If it's been legally formed
- The business address
- The registered agent address
There are several ways to conduct an entity search, depending on the search criteria you have. These include the following:
- Business name
- Business entity number
- Business ID
- Officer name
- Registered agent name
- Associated business name
Begin your search at the Business Search page. Follow the steps based on the search criteria you're using.
By Name
- Enter the name you're looking for in the search box, and click “Search.”
- Review the matching list of names.
- Scroll through until you find the one you're searching for.
- Click the name.
- Review the publicly available business information on the last page.
By Entity Number
- Use the drop-down menu, and choose the type of search you're doing, i.e., “Entity Number.”
- Enter the entity number into the field, and click “Search.”
- Review the information on the next page. Because each entity has its own number, you should only have results for one business.
- Click the name to continue.
- Review the publicly available information, including the business's registered agent's name and address.
By Business ID
- Select “NV Business ID” from the drop-down menu.
- Enter an ID into the search field, and click “Search.”
- Review the results, which should only match the ID you provided.
- Click the name to continue.
- Review the information.
By Officer Name
- Select “Officer Name” in the drop-down menu.
- Enter an officer's first and last name in the search field, and click “Search.”.
- Review the list of names on the next page, and scroll through until you find the one you're searching for.
- Click the business name to continue.
- Review the information.
By Registered Agent
- Select “Registered Agent Name” in the drop-down menu.
- Enter the agent's name in the search field, and click “Search.”.
- Check the list of names on the next page, and scroll through until you find the name you're searching for.
- Click the name to continue.
- Review the information on the registered agent.
By Associated Business Name
- Select “Associated Business Name” in the drop-down menu.
- Enter the business name into the search field, and click “Search.”
- Review the list of names until you find the entity name you're looking for.
- Click the name to proceed.
- Review the list of associated business names.
Before submitting paperwork and paying registration fees for an LLC, you must first make sure the business name you wish to use is available in the state. This is a simple and quick search. Make sure you adhere to all other naming guidelines so your name isn't too similar to existing names. You want a business name that's unique and distinguishable from other LLCs.
If you wish to do a name search to find out public information about existing entities, it's simple to do this using the resources at the Secretary of State website.
If you need help with an LLC in Nevada or another state, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.