EIN Number: Everything You Need to Know
Startup Law ResourcesIncorporateEIN is an Employer Identification Number that serves as your business’ social security number. It is a unique 9-digit number that your business will use for all federal and state tax filings. 2 min read updated on January 01, 2024
EIN: What is it?
EIN is an Employer Identification Number that serves as your business’ social security number. It is a unique 9-digit number that your business will use for all federal and state tax filings. This number is permanent throughout the life of the business unless ownership or legal structure is changed.
The EIN may also be required to:
Open a business checking account
Acquire a line of credit or other funding
Create accounts with various vendors
Depending on the form you are completing, an EIN may be referred to as the Tax Identification Number (TIN) or the Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) but they are the same number.
Do you need an EIN?
The primary businesses that require an EIN are:
All Corporations
Limited Liability Companies with more than one member
All businesses with employees, including sole proprietorships and LLCs with one member
Any business when the owner has a Keogh (retirement) plan.
Any business that files Employment, Excise, or Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tax returns.
If any of these situations fit your business, you must apply for an EIN.
Applying for an EIN
This is a free service offered by the Internal Revenue Service. You can apply online or by fax or mail with Form SS-4. This one page form requires specific information that includes:
Legal Name of the business
Trade Name of the business, if different
Mailing Address and Street Address (if different)
County and State where principal business is located
Name of the Responsible Party and their SSN, ITIN or EIN
Whether the company is an LLC and number of members
Type of Entity
Reason for Applying
Number of Employees
Type of Business
The Responsible Party is someone who is active in the business such as an owner or partner. There is a Third Party Designee section of the application but it is rarely used unless you own more than one business or have someone else operating the company.
The IRS prefers online EIN applications over all other forms and you will receive your number immediately.