Ridgefield Attorneys & Lawyers

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Popular Legal Services Covered by our Ridgefield Attorneys

Maurice M.

Maurice Maitland

Maurice D. Maitland, Esq. is the principal attorney at Maitland Justice Foundation, Inc., a New Haven law firm founded in 2007. Before starting this firm, Mr. Maitland ... read more
Stephen L. G.

Stephen L. Ganis

Stephen L. Ganis offers counsel and advice in every area of business development and growth to small and midsize businesses. His specialties are commercial transactions, business law matters, and contracts, but he also supports clients in acquisition and disposition of business assets, formation, corporate governance, and agreements. Mr. Ganis is an adjunct professor of business law.
Jan V.

Jan Vonflatern

Jan VonFlatern has thirty years of experience in law firms, government, and industry. Formerly with Airbus Americas, Jan drafted billion dollar contracts for the sale/lease of aircraft. Jan is a seasoned business manager, having been both counsel and COO for a holding group and stepping in to manage a large factory. Jan handled asset acquisition, employee disputes, and executive compensation.
Elizabeth R.

Elizabeth Ragavanis

As well as being an attorney, Elizabeth Ragavanis is an artist and amateur software developer. Taking an individual approach to each client, Ms. Ragavanis finds smart, simple solutions and strategizes legal needs without exceeding budget to protect startups, innovators, and makers. She is experienced with prosecuting trademark applications, advising intellectual property, and drafting contracts.
Michael D.

Michael Denkovich

Michael is licensed to practice law in New York, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. bars. He has over 15 years of experience and practices personal injury, matrimonial, contracts, real estate, criminal, and elder law. For over a decade, he has run his firm Denkovich & Burshteyn, P.C. Michael is an active member of the New York State Bar Association and Connecticut Bar Association.
Michelle S.

Michelle Seideman

Michelle is currently a Senior Corporate Counsel. Previously, she was General Counsel for ICR. Her legal career started over 20 years ago as an Associate for Cummings & Lockwood. All in all Michelle spent 15 years in-house and another 8 years in different law firms. Her main focus areas include business law and commercial contracts. She obtained her Bachelor's in International Business from the Penn State University and after that she studied Law with the Emory University School of Law.
Nicole O.

Nicole Ojo-Ohikuare

Nicole Ojo-Ohikuare is a capable Attorney and is eligible for the February 2017 Connecticut Bar Exam. Her main focus areas include dispute resolution, family law, disability benefits litigation and appellate work.
Charles M.

Charles Miller

Charles Miller is a trademark attorney with five years of experience. He is also exceptionally skilled in legal research and writing. Charles offers his legal assistance to companies of all sizes, including startups and some of the larger corporations. He is licensed to practice law in Connecticut. Charles received his Juris Doctor degree in law from the Quinnipiac University School of Law. He has been serving as a trademark attorney at IP Attorneys Group since August 2017.
Amir M.

Amir Mian

Results-focused attorney with strong skills in legal writing, research, analysis, and litigation. Able to build and foster key business relationships while producing result... read more
Ben L.

Ben Lehberger

Registered patent attorney experienced in patent, trademark, and copyright law, including procurement, litigation, reexaminations, validity/infringement opinions, counselin... read more

On UpCounsel, you can find pre-qualified, vetted, and rated Ridgefield attorneys & lawyers that have several years of specialized experience in many areas of law for the business world that service the area of Ridgefield, Connecticut. By making it easy for businesses to connect with one or more top-rated Ridgefield lawyers specialized in the area of law you require legal assistance with, you can hire the attorney best for you and get to work quickly.

It’s always free to post a job and communicate with any of the Ridgefield attorneys you sync up with about your unique legal needs. Upon posting a job request to our community of Ridgefield lawyers, you will receive proposals from several attorneys who can best assist you. With UpCounsel, you can hire a Ridgefield attorney with confidence, as we offer a money-back guarantee on all work completed with verified attorneys & lawyers servicing the city of Ridgefield, Connecticut on UpCounsel.

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