Connecticut Corporation Search: Everything You Need to Know
A Connecticut Corporation Search ensures that your preferred LLC named is available before forming your business in Connecticut. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
Connecticut LLC Name Search
A Connecticut Corporation Search ensures that your preferred LLC named is available before forming your business in Connecticut.
Connecticut LLC Name Requirements
When deciding on a name for your LLC, you must abide by these certain requirements in Connecticut:
- An abbreviation for Limited Liability Company must be at the end (“LLC” or “L.L.C.”)
- An LLC is not a corporation, so you cannot use the words “corporation,” “incorporated,” “corp.,” or “inc.” anywhere in the name
- Your LLC name must be unique to distinguish it from other businesses
- Designators at the end of the business, such as LLC or L.L.C., do not distinguish a name
- You cannot use punctuation or grammar differences to distinguish your business name
For instance, these examples are too similar:
- Smith Products, LLC vs Smith Products, Corp.
- Plum Farms, LLC vs Plum Farm, LLC
- The Print Shop, LLC vs Print Shop, LLC
Searching the Connecticut Business Inquiry (Concord)
To ensure your preferred business name is distinguishable from all others in Connecticut, you must search the Connecticut Business Entity Database.
Once on the website, enter your preferred business name in the “Search by Name” field. You should enter the entire name as well as the first one or two words followed by an asterisk (*) to maximize your search results. After hitting the search button, you might see a “No records found” result, which means your LLC name is available.
If there are businesses listed, check to see if they are too similar to yours. If the name you want appears exactly as you've entered it, then it is not available for use. You will need to use some creativity to come up with a distinguished name.
If you're not 100 percent sure whether the name you want is available, file the paperwork anyway. The state of Connecticut will send your filing back if it needs to be changed. As for domain names, your website address doesn't need to match your LLC exactly, so you should purchase your domain name as soon as possible. Once you've secured your Connecticut LLC name, you can then choose your business' Registered Agent.
Search by Business ID
If you know a specific business ID and wish to perform a Connecticut corporation search, simply enter the ID into the correct field. Searching by business ID will bring up a company's address, status, and other information. Simply click the name to view details.
Search by Filing Number
You can also search for a business by filing number. Enter the number into the “Filing Number” field and hit “Search.” If you've entered the number properly, you can then click on the business name to get more information.
How to Create a Corporation in Connecticut
To establish a corporation in Connecticut, you must fill out an Articles of Incorporation form for the appropriate type of business. Fees for the type of business you file will vary:
- Domestic non-profit - $50
- Domestic profit - $100
- Foreign - $385
- Religious - $50
You must attach your filing fee to the form, which you should mail to the Connecticut Secretary of State's office at:
Commercial Recording Division
Connecticut Secretary of State
PO Box 150470
Hartford, CT 06115-0470
How to Reserve a Corporation Name in Connecticut
You may not be ready to start your business, but you already have a name in mind and wish to reserve it. If this is the case, complete the Application for Reservation of Name form from the Secretary of State's website. Attach a check for $60 and mail it to the same office listed above.
How to Make an LLC in Connecticut
To establish an LLC in Connecticut, download the Articles of Organization form from the Secretary of State's website. Include a $120 filing fee made payable to the Connecticut Secretary of State, and mail it to the Commercial Recording Division.
How to Reserve an LLC Name
To reserve your preferred LLC name, download the Connecticut Name Reservation Form and mail it to the Secretary of State's office. Be sure to include the $60 filing fee.
Connecticut Secretary of State Contact Information
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the Connecticut Secretary of State via the following contact information.
Phone: 860-509-6002 (Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Email: [email protected]
Establishing your corporation or LLC in Connecticut doesn't have to be as complicated as it sounds. Post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace to consult with an attorney experienced in helping new Connecticut businesses get their best start.