4/96 Arrest Warrant/Affidavit For Alleged Unabomber Ted Kaczynski
On or about April 3, 1996 defendant did, knowingly possess a firearm -specifically, components from which a destructive device can be readily assembled. 5 min read updated on October 21, 2024
To: The United States Marshal and any Authorized United States Officer
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to arrest Theodore John Kaczynski and bring him or her forthwith to the nearest magistrate to answer a
( ) Indictment ( ) Information (X) Complaint ( ) Order of Court ( ) Violation Notice ( )Probation Violation Petition
charging him with knowingly possessing a firearm - specifically, components from which a destructive device such as a bomb can be readily assembled - which is not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record In violation of Title 26 United States Code, Section 5861(d)
Name of Judicial Officer
CASE NUMBER:_____________
I, Donald J. Sachtleben, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the undersigned complainant being duly sworn state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about April 3, 1996, and before, in Lewis and Clark county, in the State and District of Montana defendant did, knowingly possess a firearm -specifically, components from which a destructive device such as a bomb can be readily assembled - which is not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record in violation of Title 26 United States Code, Section 5861(d). I further state that this complaint is based on the following facts:
See attached affidavit incorporated herein by reference
Signature of Complainant
______________________ at _________________________
Date City and State
______________________ _________________________
Name and Title of Signature of Judicial Judicial Officer
County of Lewis and Clark )
Your affiant, Special Agent (SA) Donald J. Sachtleben, Federal Bureau of Investigation, states as follows:
- I, SA Donald J. Sachtleben, have been a Special Agent for 12 years. I graduated from the FBI Hazardous Devices School and the FBI Post Blast School. I have investigated bombing cases for 10 years and taught classes on the investigation of improvised explosive devices (IED). I have participated in the on scene investigation of bombing cases.
- On April 3, 1996 your affiant and other agents of the FBI, ATF and United States Postal Service began the execution of a search warrant on the residence of Theodore John Kaczynski, located in Lewis and Clark County. The premises is a one-room cabin, approximately 10 feet by 12 feet with a loft and without electricity or running water. I am informed by other agents that records of Lewis and Clark County indicate that this property was purchased by Theodore John Kaczynski and another person in 1971. I am also informed by other agents that interview of neighbors revealed that Kaczynski has lived at this residence by himself since that date.
- When agents knocked on the door, Theodore John Kaczynski answered and was removed so that the search could begin. The initial entry was to ascertain the presence or any explosive devices. The search of the premises continues at the time of this application for an arrest warrant. The items described herein are based only on a preliminary search and there remains a considerable amount of items to be located and reviewed.
- I personally participated in the search. As set forth in more detail below, during the search I observed chemicals and other materials that, in my opinion, are designed and intended for use in manufacturing a destructive device, namely a pipe bomb, and from which a destructive device could be readily assembled, including what appears to be a partially completed pipe bomb. I also observed notebooks that contain what I recognize to be diagrams and notes that are consistent with the manufacture of destructive devices such as pipe bombs.
- In order to construct a pipe bomb, one needs either a commercially manufactured explosive or an improvised explosive, a casing, a device to detonate the explosive, and a power source for the detonating device.
During the search I observed materials from which all of these could be made. In particular, during the search I observed the following:
- Ten three-ring binders, which have been partially reviewed. These binders contain page after page of meticulous writings and sketches which I recognize to be diagrams of explosive devices. These diagrams depict cross-sections of pipes and electrical circuitry commonly used in the construction of such devices. In addition, they contain sketches of boxes which could be used to contain, conceal and transport explosive devices. The notebooks also contain hand-written notes in Spanish and English which describe, in part, chemical compounds which can be used in various combinations to create explosive charges for use in explosive devices. After consultation with an FBI chemist, it appears that the notes reflect the proper proportions for such mixtures. From investigation from other FBI agents I am aware that Theodore John Kaczynski is able to write Spanish.
- Pipes that appear to be galvanized metal, copper and plastic. Four of the copper pipes had plates affixed to one end, which is one of the first steps in the construction of a pipe bomb. I did not observe any indoor plumbing or any other apparent structural need for such piping on the premises.
- Containers containing powders labeled as "KC103" (potassium chlorate), "NaC103" (sodium chlorate), "Sugar", "Zinc", "Aluminum", "Lead" and "Silver Oxide". Necessary ingredients in the preparation of explosives include an oxidizer and a fuel. Sugar, zinc, aluminum, lead and silver oxide all can serve as fuels, and potassium chlorate or sodium chlorate can be oxidizers. For example, potassium chlorate can be combined with either aluminum or sugar to create an explosive material. Similarly, sodium chlorate can be combined with aluminum to create an explosive.
- Solid cast ingots, one of which is labelled aluminum. I observed on the floor shiny metal filings consistent with aluminum. Aluminum can be used as an additional fuel and a catalyst in an explosive mixture.
- C cell batteries and electrical wire. From my experience I am aware that these materials can be used to provide the power for a device used to detonate explosive material such as the mixtures described above.
- Three rolled-up pieces of paper attached to one another, containing what appear to be logs of experiments to determine the optimum pipe dimension and combination of explosive materials in various weather conditions.
- During a preliminary search of the loft, a package was located. Visual examination determined that it was a cylindrical package wrapped in paper and secured with tape. An X-ray of the package revealed what appears to me to be a partially completed pipe bomb, including threaded pipe, wire and other electrical components.
- Several books including ones on the construction of electrical circuitry and chemistry.
- Numerous tools, including mechanical drills, drill bits, hack saw blades, wire cutters, and a roll of solder, all of which would be necessary to convert the materials I have described above into a pipe bomb.
- Based upon my experience in the investigation of the use of destructive devices, my examination of the above-described materials, and my review of the writings and sketches in the binders, it is my opinion that these components were designed to be, could be, and were intended to be readily assembled into a destructive device such as a pipe bomb. In my opinion, the premises contained all of the necessary ingredients and materials to manufacture such a destructive device.
- A search was conducted by ATF on April 4, 1996 of the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. That search failed to locate any record of Theodore John Kaczynski having authorization for the possession or manufacture of a destructive device.
S/A Donald J. Sachtleben