New Mexico Secretary of State LLC Search: Everything You Need to Know
New Mexico Secretary of State LLC search is an online tool that allows you to search for existing business entities and determine whether the name you want for your LLC is available. 3 min read
New Mexico LLC Name Search
New Mexico Secretary of State LLC search is an online tool that allows you to search for existing business entities and determine whether the name you want for your LLC is available. When creating a limited liability company (LLC) in New Mexico, you must follow the state's business naming guidelines. If the name you want is available, you may also want to see if the domain name is available and purchase it to keep another business from doing so. You can also create an email address.
Searching for a New Mexico Business Entity
The New Mexico Secretary of State maintains a corporation registry with the details, status, and filings of every business entity in the state. This includes LLCs, limited companies, corporations, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships. The online search tool allows you to search the database by registered agent, director, business name, or business ID. Your search will return information about whether the business exists as a legal entity in the state and whether is in good standing, its address, and the name and address of the registered agent.
After you navigate to the online tool, enter your desired LLC name in the search bar and click the search button. The tool will return a list of similar names that you can click on to learn more about that entity. This page will contain all public information about the business entity, including contact information. If no businesses with a similar name exists, your LLC name is available.
New Mexico LLC Name Requirements
- Your business name must end with LLC or L.L.C.
- An LLC name cannot use the words Incorporated, Corporation, Corp., or Inc.
- The LLC name must not be the same as or similar to the name of another New Mexico business entity. This means the name is not distinguishable enough if the only differences are in the business designators, singular vs. plural of the same word, articles such as the or and, punctuation, or numerals vs. written word.
Tips for Searching
When entering your desired name, leave out the designator and punctuation. Choose the Starts With menu item and enter just the first few words of your LLC name. This will allow you to locate even businesses with similar names. If your search doesn't return any results, the LLC name you want is available. If another LLC in the state has a similar name, you'll have to head back to the drawing board.
You can also file your paperwork with the state and they will let you know if your desired name is available. Until you learn that your LLC name is approved, do not purchase a domain name or marketing materials. You should not apply for business permits or a federal employer information number (EIN) until you know if the name is available.
LLP Statement of Qualification
A new limited liability partnership (LLP) in New Mexico must file a statement of qualification that contains the entity's name, the address of its CEO, the address of a state office or the contact information for a registered agent who is approved to do business in or lives in the state; the statement of LLP election, and the effective date if not meant to be immediate.
The LLP must pay a fee of $50 to file any document, including an annual report or statement of qualification. This entity must file an annual report every year between January 1 and April 1. The LLP must hold liability insurance of $500,000 per instance of negligence, misconduct, or malpractice and $1 million total at minimum. The name of an LLC must end with RLLP, R.L.L.P., limited liability partnership, or registered limited liability partnership. The statement of qualification must be mailed to the Operations Division of the Office of the Secretary of State, 325 Don Gaspar Suite 300, Santa Fe NM 87503.
Secretary of State of New Mexico
This constitutional office is currently held by Dianna Duran. This office is responsible for numerous tasks, including guarding the state's seal, public records, and archives. The Secretary of State also attests government documents and issues licenses to drive.
If you need help with establishing an LLC in New Mexico, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.