The Georgia LLC annual fee for business registration is $100. The fee is what limited liability companies must pay each year to do business in the state. Whether or not the business has conducted activities or generated income in the state, it must file a report with the Georgia Secretary of State each year. Like corporations, nonprofits, and partnerships, LLCs are subject to a $50 annual report filing fee. 

The annual report can be filed and fees paid either online or by mail. However, online processing is preferred for its speed and ease of use. When you pay the fee online, you also may update your business contact information, registered agent information, and principal office address as needed. Filings are due between January 1 and April 1, with a late fee of $25 for filings completed after that window.

Your LLC may be subject to dissolution by the state if you perpetually file and pay fees late. Georgia sends a reminder of the due date each January, but submitting on time is ultimately your responsibility.

How to File Your Annual Registration

If you don't have updates to your business information:

  1.  Visit the website.
  2. Select the option for "One-Click Annual Registration with No Changes." 
  3. Enter the name of your business in the box, then select "Search."
  4. Locate the LLC in question in the resulting list and click on the link.
  5. Select the checkbox to indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions.
  6. Enter your name as the authorizer and select "Member" from the drop-down menu.
  7. Enter your credit card information and click the button to pay.
  8. Download your receipt, which is also sent to your email address.

If you do have updates to your registered agent or contact information:

  1.  Visit the website.
  2. Click the link for "Express Annual Registration with Changes."
  3. Enter the name of your business in the box, then select "Search."
  4. Locate the LLC in question in the resulting list and click on the link.
  5. Click the pencil icon to make changes to the information of your existing registered agent. Click the trashcan icon to remove your current registered agent so you can enter the information for a replacement.
  6. To add a new registered agent, click the Create Registered Agent button if it's available. If it's grayed out, enter a name in the Registered Agent Name box and click search, which will make the button available. If you are designating a company as the registered agent, enter the name of the company in the search box and then find the correct option in the resulting list of commercial registered agents.
  7. Make changes to your office address if necessary.
  8. Select the checkbox to indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions.
  9. Enter your name as the authorizer and select "Member" from the drop-down menu.
  10. Review all the information you entered to make sure it's accurate. 
  11. Enter your credit card information and click the button to pay.
  12. Download your receipt, which will also be sent to your email address.

How to File if You Are Overdue

If you file past the April 1 due date, you must first log into your account and select File Annual Registration. Note the amount due and click continue, then follow the steps as listed above to complete your payment. Be sure to follow the correct steps if you are also reporting changes to your entity.

2010 Georgia Code

Information about annual LLC registration is recorded in Title 14, Chapter 11, Article 11 of the 2010 Georgia Code. You must provide current information for your LLC in each annual registration, whether you are a domestic or foreign limited liability company. If the correct information is missing, you'll receive a notice from the Secretary of State and must reregister with corrections. You will have 30 days to correct any issues with your registration. If you have questions, contact the office of the Secretary of State at 404-656-2817. 

If you need help with your Georgia LLC's annual registration, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.