Deposit Receipt for Business Sale
A deposit receipt for business sale is a document acknowledging the receipt of payment (usually an advance or part payment) made by the buyer to the seller. 3 min read
A deposit receipt for business sale is a document acknowledging the receipt of payment (usually an advance or part payment) made by the buyer to the seller.
Deposit Receipt Template
Name __________
Address __________
Email ID __________
Phone Number __________
Name __________
Address __________
Email ID __________
Phone Number __________
Item: The item for purchase of which deposit has been given to the seller is __________ (description of the item).
Deposit: The purchaser has paid a sum of $__________ (enter the amount), as deposit for purchase of the item. The seller hereby confirms receipt of this payment.
Payment Owed: The remaining amount to be paid by the buyer to complete the payment of the item being sold is $___________ (enter the amount).
Next Payment: The next payment to be made for purchase of the item is $__________ (enter the amount), which shall be due on ________ (enter the date).
Other Information:
1. ____________ (enter the information)
2. ____________ (enter the information)
3. ____________ (enter the information)
4. ____________ (enter the information)
The seller and purchaser hereby acknowledge the receipt of deposit made toward the item described in this document and further acknowledge that the information provided in this document is true and accurate.
Signature __________ Date __________
Signature __________ Date __________
Purchase of Business Agreement
A purchase of business agreement is a contract for transferring the ownership of a business from one party to another. It is also known by various other names, such as:
- Sale of business agreement
- Agreement to sell business
- Business transfer agreement
- Business takeover agreement
- Purchase contract for business
- Business asset purchase agreement
You can use a business purchase agreement to buy or sell all types of businesses, including hotels, retail stores and professional services.
A purchase agreement usually includes the following information:
- The terms and conditions of sale
- Description of the assets that are subject matter of the sale
- Assets that are not included in the sale
- The mode and manner of payment to be made for the sale
- Optional clauses like confidentiality and non-competition clauses
- Warranties to protect the contracting parties
Letter of Intent to Purchase a Business
A letter of intent is a written offer to buy a business. It outlines the purchase agreement to buy the seller's business at the offered price. It formally puts down the intentions of the parties on paper and describes their rights and obligations.
A letter of intent is not legally binding on the parties. However, it significantly increases the chances of entering into a legal contract, usually with a few modifications.
Letter of Intent to Purchase a Business Template
Letter of Intent to Purchase a Business
Date ___________
Name of the Company ____________
Complete Address with ZIP code _______________
Reference: Purchase of assets (or stock, whichever is applicable) of _____________ (name of the company)
This letter sets out the intention of ___________ (name of the buyer), hereinafter referred to as "Buyer," to purchase the assets (or stock, whichever is applicable) of __________ (name of the company) from _____________ (name of the seller), hereinafter referred to as "Seller."
The buyer and seller are hereinafter referred to as "Parties" to this agreement when referred collectively, or as "Party" when referred to individually.
The tentative price offered for the purchase of assets (or stock) of the business is __________ (enter the amount).
On acceptance of the offer by the seller, a deposit of ___________ (enter the amount) shall be made by the buyer into a third party escrow account agreed to by both the parties.
A further sum of __________ (enter the amount) shall be payable by the buyer at the time of closing the deal.
The remaining balance of ____________ (enter the amount) shall be payable by the buyer through a promissory note.
The transaction of this agreement shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
I. _____________ (describe the term or condition)
II. _____________ (describe the term or condition)
III. _____________ (describe the term or condition)
IV. _____________ (describe the term or condition)
This letter of intent shall be governed by the state law of __________ (enter the name of the state).
Signed (Buyer): ____________ (signature) ____________ (Date)
Print name: ______________ (enter name) Title: _____________ (enter title)
Counter signed by:
Signed (Seller): ____________ (signature) ____________ (Date)
Print name: ______________ (enter name) Title: _____________ (enter title)
1. _________ (enter the name of the schedule)
2. _________ (enter the name of the schedule)
3. _________ (enter the name of the schedule)
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