A California LLC number is a twelve-digit number assigned to a newly formed LLC by the office of the California secretary of state during the formation of the LLC. The number acts as a unique identifier for the LLC and can be used to look up the company on the Business Search page of the California secretary of state. 

How Companies Get LLC Numbers 

The California secretary of state assigns each newly formed entity a unique identifying number called the entity number. It is assigned to corporations, LLCs, and partnerships. The entity number usually has eight digits for corporations and twelve digits for California LLCs. 

When You Might Need to Use the LLC Number

The fact that different LLCs can have similar names calls for a reliable system of differentiating LLCs. The LLC number acts as the LLC's unique identifier and is normally needed when LLCs are filing taxes, filling Statements of Information, and even when getting bank accounts. The LLC number is issued by the California secretary of state during the initial formation of the LLC. The LLC number differs from the IRS-issued Employer Identification Number, which is essentially a social security number for the company.

Other entities might also want to know a company's LLC number when they have dealings with that particular LLC. For example, they can use the company's LLC number to find out the LLC's agent for service process when they want to deliver legal papers to the company. 

The LLC number can also help other entities to look up the company on the Business Search page of the California secretary of state website. Other entities may want to find out the standing of the company or to do business with the LLC. To search for a California company's details using the LLC number, follow these steps: 

  • Select "Entity number" in the "Search Type" box on the Business Search page.
  • Enter the LLC number of the company whose details you are seeking in the "Search Criteria" box.
  • Click on the "Search" box.

The site will redirect to a page with the company's details.

How to Look Up a Company's LLC Number

One way to look up a company's LLC number is by using the Business Search page on the website of the California secretary of state. For the search to be effective, you may need to know the exact name of the company whose LLC number you desire. Follow the following steps to get the LLC number.

  • Step 1: Choose "LLP/LLC Name" in the "Search Type" box on the Business Search page on the website of the California secretary of state. 
  • Step 2: Enter all or part of the name of the LLC whose details you want in the "Search Criteria" box and click on the "Search" box. The site will yield a list of LLCs with names that match your search terms.
    Please note that the Business Search site may not yield the desired results if you include any form of punctuation in the name. Do not include periods even if the company name contains initials. Putting the appropriate spaces is adequate for such searches. 
  • Step 3: In the list of companies, click on the name of the company whose number you are looking for. The site will redirect to the page containing details about the company.

The following details are provided for LLCs in the search results

  • The LLC's name.
  • The LLC's entity number.
  • The date on which the LLC was filed.
  • The status of the company.
  • The jurisdiction of the LLC.
  • The address of the LLC.
  • The LLC's agent for service process.
  • The agent's address.

There are limitations to using an LLC's number to find out its details on the California Business Search page. The success of the search may hinge on knowing particular details about the company including its legal name. The search may fail to yield the desired results if the company's name is misspelled in any way, including erroneously using plural forms of the words in the company name. You can find tips on how to maximize the chances of getting succeeding in your search on the Business Search site. 

If you need help with California LLC Numbers, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.