Rescind Contract: Everything You Need to Know
A rescind contract is a communication of a party to void a contract and a way to use your rights to terminate the contract you were a party to. 3 min read updated on January 01, 2024
A rescind contract is a communication of a party to void a contract. It is a way to use your rights to terminate the contract you were a party to. When you rescind your contract, you are making an irrevocable decision to free the other party from the contractual obligations as if the contract had never existed.
You can either rescind your contract mutually between two parties or through legal means as long as reasonable cause can be determined, such as misrepresentation of material. Rescission of a contract can also be referred to as unmasking, or setting aside, the contract by a court to in the interest of justice and fairness.
There are situations in which a contract cannot be rescinded, including situations where:
- Both parties cannot be restored to their pre-contract positions
- Steps taken could upset rights that are acquired by a third party under the original contract.
A rescission of a contract is also a tool used in a civil lawsuit to be able to bring each party to their pre-contract situation. Not all contracts can be rescinded, and to have one canceled by the court, you will often have to prove that the contract was entered due to:
- Misrepresentation
- Fraud
- Undue influence
When a contract is rescinded, both parties will be required to return any benefits that had been received when the contract was in effect, going back to the way things were before the signing of the contract. While there are many people who may use the terms recession and cancellation interchangeably, rescission is typically used to make a contract void in a court decision.
If a contract is rescinded due to equitable means, there will need to be a court decree to end the contract and help the parties return to their pre-contract state. In these types of cases, there are no damages awarded and once completed there can be no action against the contract in the future.
To rescind a contract, you must send a notice of rescission or cancellation to the other party and return any money or other benefits that were received as a result of the contract.
3-Day Right of Rescission
The Truth in Lending Act of 1968 provided homeowners the right to consider their mortgage, or refinancing of their mortgage, after the documents had been signed. They are given until midnight on the third day after the contract was signed to rescind their decision. This is often referred to as the 3-day right of rescission.
If the borrower decides to cancel within the three-day window, any fees that were paid for the loan will be refunded to the lender. The 3-day right was created to protect consumers who may not be familiar with the specific legal jargon and on further inspection decided to change their mind.
Grounds for Rescission
A rescission can only occur if the contract had been fully formed. If there is no formal legal contract, a rescission cannot occur. It is also important to note that a contract can only be fully rescinded, there is no such thing as a partial rescission.
There are multiple reasons in which a contract can be rescinded including:
- Mutual consent - Both parties can agree to have their contract rescinded and indicate their intent to do so in a formal document. If the rescission is not mutual, the other party must send a notice to rescind.
- Contract formation problems - To be a legal contract it must be made through legal means. For a contract to be legal, consent cannot have been contained through such measures as intimidation or force. All parties agreeing must understand the agreement they are entering.
- Mistakes in the contract - A contract can be rescinded if the mistakes made in a contract can change the intent of the contract. A mistake can also include a party being aware of all facts but incorrectly understanding the legal ramifications of them. Mistakes can occur due to parties thinking they know the legal actions of the contract but are mistaken, or one party misunderstanding the law surrounding the contract and the other party not remedying their legal understanding.
If you need help with a rescind contract, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.