Naples Non-Profit Attorneys & Lawyers
How it Works
Seth Wiener
David Yamaguchi
Alisha Bond
Brig Ricks
Bob Schrader, Esq.
Dean Sage
Erin Hudson
Jon Bourne
John Ray
Jennifer Newton
Naples Non-Profit Lawyers
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Legal Services Offered by Our On-Demand Naples Non-Profit Attorneys
On UpCounsel, you can find and connect with top-rated Naples non-profit attorneys & lawyers that provide a range of non-profit law services for startup non-profits to more seasoned non-profits around the city of Naples. Any of the top-rated Naples non-profit lawyers you connect with will be available to help with a variety of your non-profit legal needs on-demand or on an ongoing basis.
From the forming of a non-profit organization to obtaining tax-exempt status from the IRS, to complying with federal and state laws governing fundraising and operations, the advice of experienced Naples non-profit attorney is crucial throughout each stage of your non-profit’s growth. Whether you are forming a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4), you can easily hire an experienced Naples non-profit lawyer on UpCounsel for your on-demand or ongoing non-profit legal needs today.
Improve Your Legal ROI with Affordable Non-Profit Attorneys that service Naples, FL.
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