NJ LLC Search: Everything You Need to Know
You’ll want to conduct a New Jersey LLC search if you are forming a new business. 3 min read
NJ LLC Search
You’ll want to conduct a New Jersey LLC search if you are forming a new business. Such searches are generally conducted for a number of reasons, including finding out if the name is available for your own business, if a company is in good standing, if you need to identify the address of a registered agent, or if you need to find the address of a certain business. It can also be used to perform administrative tasks for your LLC, i.e. pay franchise tax, showing proof of good standing, etc.
Name Search: How To
First and foremost, you will need to choose a business name. This could take some time as you will need to choose a name that is not currently in use. When you conduct the business name search, you’ll want to search by the exact name to ensure that it is not already being used. After the exact name search, you should search similar names, and even name variations.
Keep in mind that you might want to choose an identical website address for your LLC. If so, you’ll want to see if your business name is available as a URL. Furthermore, you might want an e-mail address that matches with your business name. Therefore, you should also check to see if the e-mail address is available for use to keep business uniformity for your LLC.
There are also specific guidelines that must be followed when choosing a name. Such requirements are as follows:
• Your LLC must contain the words ‘Limited Liability Company,’ ‘LLC,’ or ‘L.L.C.’
• Certain words can only be used if you receive specific approval by the state beforehand, including terms like: blind, cemetery, funeral homes, handicapped, little league, Olympia, Olympic, and urban renewal.
• Other terms can be used in an LLC name in the State of NJ, including: cemetery, D.C., District of Columbia, little league, metropolitan, Olympia, Olympic, postal, realtor, trust, and underwriters.
How to Form a NJ LLC
The State of NJ is popular for incorporation and LLC formation. Notably, LLCs in NJ (and in most states) are very easy and cheap to form. As previously noted, you will first need to choose a business name. Once you have chosen a name, you can reserve your business name up to 120 days before filing. In order to reserve your name, you will have to file an Application for Reservation of Name with the NJ Division of Revenue & Enterprise Services. Included in this filing will be your name, title, signature, address, type of business, and the date in which you are filing.
After you reserve your name, by or before 120 days, you will need to complete the public records filing. This is how a NJ LLC is actually formed. This filing includes your company’s name and address, the name/address of your registered agent, the purpose of your LLC, the dissolution date (if applicable), and the name/address of the members and managers.
Be mindful that your LLC must have one or more members or managers. While you must choose at least one manager or member, the only requirement is that this individual be at least 18 years old. There is no residency requirement.
When submitting your application, you can choose to file in one of three ways: filing online on the Division of Revenue Business Formation web portal, faxing the application, or mailing it. The filing fee is $125. There is an additional $3.50 fee if you file online with a credit card. It generally takes one to three business days to receive a response regarding your LLC formation. You could always elect to have the application expedited for an additional fee.
As previously noted, you will need to include information regarding your registered agent. This is a requirement, as you will need someone who will act as an agent for the purpose of accepting and sending important documentation relating to your LLC, i.e. potential lawsuits. The registered agent can be a NJ resident, or a foreign or domestic corporation authorized to do business in the State of NJ.
Another important consideration is drafting an operating agreement. While this is not required in the State of New Jersey, it is important to have. There is no requirement to file this document with the state. This agreement can help prevent potential lawsuits or even prevent potential problems among members of the LLC.
If you need help conducting a NJ LLC search, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5-percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law, and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with, or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.