Fee-for-Service Agreement: Everything You Need to Know
A fee-for-service agreement is a way you can either bill or pay for products or services rendered. This is a popular payment structure in many industries. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
A fee-for-service agreement is a way you can either bill or pay for products or services rendered. This is a popular payment structure in many industries, including healthcare and telecommunications. It has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that you should be aware of if you are considering this as a billing strategy for your own business.
What is a Fee-for-Service Agreement?
Fee-for-service agreements are a way to pay a business when separate services are paid for individually instead of being bundled together. It is often referred to as an a la carte payment.
A lot of industries use this type of agreement, including cell phone companies and other telecommunications businesses. Real estate and healthcare industries also utilize a fee-for-service method of payment.
This form of payment arrangement will help establish the type of work that is done by a service provider to a client. If you are doing a particular job for someone as a contractor or a similar type of arrangement, you can use a fee agreement for your payment.
You should use a fee agreement document in the following situations:
- You have found the best company or person to service your business and you need to form terms of service as well as payment parameters.
- You are contracted to do a job or provide a service to clients and you need to form terms of service and payment parameters.
With this sort of payment agreement, you are able to choose when the service will start, what it will entail, the payment and the method of payment, terms of termination of services, terms of confidentiality, if any, and if the work quality can be guaranteed.
A fee agreement will prevent disputes or misunderstandings before the work begins. Everyone will be on the same page with regard to the services and how they will be paid.
Additional names for this document are fee agreement letter, service fee agreement, or a fee agreement form.
Features of a Fee-for-Service Agreement
Establishing the payment for services is an important feature of a fee-for-service agreement. It allows the consumer to pay for their required services individually. There is an increased sense of control in this type of agreement that allows a consumer to determine which products or services he or she needs to purchase.
Having a specific choice is another beneficial feature of fee-for-service agreements. This allows a consumer to tailor a product or service to his or her liking. An example would be with a satellite television service. Consumers may purchase additional channels for a package if they choose to do so.
Types of Fee-for-Service Agreements
Healthcare is often paid for with a fee-for-service agreement. A patient can choose to pay individually for the care received, such as visits to the doctor’s office, dental services, medication, procedures, and the like. This allows doctors to provide many different treatments because the payment will depend on the type and payment for each service.
This can also sometimes result in medical professionals overlooking the overall quality of treatment in exchange for more money.
Right now, the fee-for-service payment method is one of the top billing methods in the United States. Unfortunately, it can increase the costs for medical care. A patient is more willing to accept additional treatment as long as they do not have to pay out-of-pocket. Insurance companies often carry the load.
Fee-for-service can also help discourage capitation, where doctors are discouraged from providing services and procedures, even those that are necessary, because they will not be paid an additional fee for providing them.
Fee-for-service agreements in the real estate industry are not as common. Most often, real estate transactions use a commission-based payment model.
Contractors will provide services or goods in a competitive market to all manner of customers. The following are some characteristics of a contractor and a fee-for-purchase service agreement:
- Providing a service
- Provides those goods or services within normal business operation
- Works within a competitive market
- Provides goods and services to a variety of buyers
If you need help with fee-for-service agreements, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.