Carpet Cleaning Service Agreement
The carpet cleaning service agreement is a legal contract between a client and a carpet cleaning business/contractor. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
The carpet cleaning service agreement is a legal contract between a client and a carpet cleaning business/contractor. The agreement details the terms of the cleaning arrangement, including payment amount and conditions, the equipment to be provided by both parties, and the location and time (in days and hours) the carpet can be cleaned.
Such an agreement should stipulate that the entity performing the service is not an employee of the client, but an independent contractor. It is best to set out the details of the agreement in writing to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements. The following are some of the components of a carpet cleaning service agreement.
This section details the names and addresses of all participants to the agreement (usually the client and the contractor).
The services section describes the type of service(s) to be performed by the carpet cleaner, such as removal of stains, vacuuming, drying, and shampooing.
Payment and Expenses
This section is concerned with the expenses that may be incurred during the cleaning. It also sets forth the amount of financial compensation the client pays to the contractor.
Independent Contractor
Since the entity performing the service is considered to be an independent contractor (and not a broker, agent, or employee of the client), it must be clearly stated in the agreement.
Dispute Resolution
Any issues/disputes pertaining to the agreement will be settled according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
This section stipulates that the contractor is liable for damage to the client's property whether as a result of negligence or willful action.
The agreement must be signed by both the carpet cleaning contractor and the client.
Additional Items
Other details to be included in the contract are the date on which the contract was entered, the address where the cleaning service will be performed (usually the client's address), supplies to be provided to the contractor by the client, the state and country in which the contract is to be executed, and the date when the contractor is expected to commence cleaning.
The general requirements for a carpet cleaning service agreement include:
- The client will provide the contractor with access to the building where the cleaning service is to be performed.
- The client must pay adequate remuneration to the contractor for services performed in U.S. dollar at stipulated intervals or time frames.
- The kinds of equipment to be provided.
- Cleaning services must be carried out according to an agreed upon schedule.
- Before terminating the contract, either party must give prior written notice.
- The client must pay off all pending payments due to the contractor before terminating the agreement.
Opt-Out Clause
Carpet cleaning contractors should ensure that they can opt out of the agreement without incurring stiff penalties. If the client is a small- to a medium-sized entity, such clauses can be added without difficulty. For larger accounts, it may be more difficult to get clients to agree to an exit clause.
Carpet cleaning agreements usually contain start and end dates that specify the length of the agreement. Although such contracts typically last for a year, three- and five-year agreements are not unusual.
When possible, contractors should exclude the cost of soaps, plastic liners, and other equipment from the pricing structure due to their fluctuating cost. It's best to order these supplies as needed and have the client pay for them.
Late Payment Penalty
The contract should include payment terms as well as a penalty for late payments. A late payment fee is usually between 10 and 20 percent of the total service cost.
Additional Clauses
Contractors should consider adding clauses that relate to the following:
- Pressure washing
- Hard floor care
- Rates for emergency cleanup
- Initial cleanup costs
- Right to subcontract
- Defect deduction
Some contracts may include clauses that allow clients to deduct penalties from the monthly fee based on defects observed during quality control inspection. If such clauses exist, you should specify that quality standards and inspections are only applicable at the end of each cleaning cycle and before use.
Labor Hours Requirement
Contractors should try to avoid the inclusion of clauses that give the client the right to expect a specific number of labor hours. Other clauses to avoid include audit, credits, and deduction rights.
If you need help with a carpet cleaning service agreement, you can post your legal need on the UpCounsel marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5% of attorneys/lawyers on its site. Attorneys on UpCounsel come from prestigious law schools like Yale Law and Harvard Law and usually have 14 years of legal experience, including work on behalf of or with companies like Airbnb, Menlo Ventures, and Google.