UCC 9 406: Everything You Need to Know
Understanding UCC 9 406 and the rest of the Uniform Commercial Code can be somewhat daunting, but it is important for anyone who is conducting sales, either as a buyer or a seller. 3 min read
Understanding UCC 9 406 and the rest of the Uniform Commercial Code can be somewhat daunting, but it is important for anyone who is conducting sales, either as a buyer or a seller.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-407
Under this code, the secured party on record can release part or all of the collateral that is described in a financial statement that has been filed through a signed statement.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-408
According to UCC Code 9-408, a statement of release is good enough as long as it includes:
· A description of the released collateral
· The debtor’s name and address
· The secured party’s name and address
· The file number of the financing statement
The statement of release that is signed by anyone outside of the secured party has to have an entirely separate written statement of assignment that includes the signature of the secured party on record. It also must comply with subsection (2) of Section 9-405. This includes paying the fee that is required.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-409
When the filing officer is provided the statement of release, he or she will mark it with the filing date information, including the hour, and will make a note in the margin of the index when filing the financial statement.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-410
There is a uniform fee for filing a statement of release. It will vary among the different states. The fee will also vary depending on the form that is prescribed by the Secretary of State.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-411
This section defines the effect of notification and the discharge of the account debtor. The account debtor on an account or on an intangible payment can discharge any of his obligations when he pays the assignor. This does not occur until after the account debtor gets notified that the amount due is assigned by the assignor or the assignee.
Uniform Commercial Code 9-412
Once receipt of notification has been made, the account debtor can discharge any obligations when paying the assignee. It cannot be discharged by providing payment to the assignor.
What Constitutes Proper Notification?
The first component of proper notification is that the contents of the notice have to be sufficient. According to UCC 9-404(a), the notice will have to be authenticated and convey the facts of the assignment. It will also have to identify the assignee.
Not only must the notice be authenticated, but it also has to include a demand that all payments in the future will have to be made to the assignee directly and will have to identify the rights that are assigned.
The authentication process is typically satisfied when you send the notice using the letterhead of the assignee, or in a form where the name of the assignee is present. There is no set rule on what reasonable identification is, so common sense has to be used.
An assignee does not need to rely solely on the issuance of new invoices that list the address of the assignee or provide notification to the account debtor in regular conversation.
A notice needs to be a in the form of written communication. Special care needs to be taken to ensure the collateral, loan documentation, those party to the documentation, and loan number are identified.
It is best to have as much detail as possible. You also need to remember that, should an account debtor be notified to make a payment of less than the full amount of an installment, he or she may ignore the notice as it is not effective.
An account debtor has to receive the notification. Any notice that is mailed to an address on the loan documentation that is not valid will not be sufficient. It is best to send notice through the U.S. mail using certified mail with a return receipt requested. An email should be sent as well.
Keep in mind that the rules will vary by state. It is essential to fully review all assignee notices.
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