South Carolina LLC Application: Everything You Need to Know
A South Carolina LLC application is the document that you will need to file in order to form your limited liability company. 3 min read
A South Carolina LLC application is the document that you will need to file in order to form your limited liability company (LLC).
Forming a South Carolina LLC
There are countless benefits to structuring your South Carolina business as a limited liability company. For instance, an LLC can protect the personal assets of its owners when the company has debts that have gone unpaid or has received an unfavorable legal judgment. Generally, you will need to submit much less paperwork to form an LLC compared to other business structures.
In South Carolina, establishing an LLC only requires filling out and filing a few simple forms. You can reference the website of the South Carolina Secretary of State to find detailed information on how to create your LLC. In most cases, you should consult an attorney before forming an LLC to make sure this entity type fits the needs of your business.
Pick a Name
The most crucial step in creating your South Carolina LLC is selecting a name for your business. You should make sure that the name you choose is appropriate for the type of company that you will be operating. Make the name of your LLC memorable to remind potential clients of your company. Make sure that your company name isn't too long or is confusing to people. The name of your company must include a designation that indicates it is an LLC.
Some of the designations that you can choose include:
- Limited Liability Company.
- Limited Company.
- LLC.
- L.L.C.
- LC.
Words like “Limited” and “Company” can also be abbreviated to “Ltd.” and “Co.”
If you wish to use a restricted word such as Attorney or Bank in your LLC name, there are additional requirements to meet. These can include filing extensive paperwork and making sure a licensed professional such as a lawyer is a member of your company. You will never be allowed to use a word that would associate your LLC with a government agency.
Search Your Name
One of the primary requirements for naming an LLC is making sure that your name is unique from other registered businesses in South Carolina. On the Secretary of State website, you can use the Search Business Filings tool to check and see if the name that you want to list in your Articles of Organization is available.
After performing your business name search, you should also make sure that the name of your company is available as a URL. Having the URL for your company's website the same as your LLC's name is very beneficial. When you are searching for a URL name, you should search different variations to make sure no other company has already claimed the name. It's also possible to perform a domain search using multiple online services.
When choosing a name for your business, you should consider how it would look as an email address.
Reserving Your Name
By paying a $25 fee, South Carolina will let you reserve your LLC's name for 120 days. In addition to paying the required fee, you will need to complete and submit an Application to Reserve Name. This form is found on the website of the Secretary of State. If you're prepared to submit your company's Articles of Organization, reserving your LLC name is not necessary.
You will need to file two completed copies of your application to the Secretary of State to reserve your name. If you wish to pay the fee by check it's made payable to the South Carolina Secretary of State.
Trademark Registration
You are not required to register your trademark when forming your South Carolina LLC. However, if you do choose to register a trademark, you can protect yourself if another person attempts to use your company's name for their own purposes. If you want to register a trademark, you would need to apply to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
You can register both your company's logo and its name. While you should formally register your trademark, you will have rights to your mark just by using it in relation to your services or goods.
If you need help with your South Carolina LLC application, you can post your legal needs on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.