An obligation to contract is when parties enter into a contract that acknowledges what each one is responsible for. Each party will exchange something that's valuable in a contract, whether it's money, a product, or services. Both sides will have different obligations related to the exchange.

What Are Contract Obligations?

One example of an obligation to contract is when there's a sale of a car. One party agrees to transfer their car ownership, and the other party agrees to pay for the vehicle. The contract will state what the terms are for the sale, when and where the delivery will take place, and the amount and method of payment. If one of the parties doesn't perform their obligations, this results in what's called a breach of contract. This can cause a damages reward to pay back the party who was non-breaching for their losses.

Contract obligations are not the same as other kinds of contracts, including one for a rental car. However, they have some similar types of obligations, including:

  • Payment. A buyer is bound to pay for the sale of services or goods and the terms of the contract may state specific obligations related to when the payment is due and payment amounts.
  • Delivery. A seller must provide their delivery of services or goods, and the contract can state the method of delivery, delivery dates, and other important terms.
  • Quality of goods. A seller is bound to give the buyer goods that meet a certain standard and quality.

Sometimes, contract obligations will get transferred to an outside party, or a third party. If one party must paint the other's house, that party can hire another party to perform the painting. This is also called contract delegation. This might not be permitted for all obligations, and the ability can depend on the state contract laws and what type of obligation it is. If there is unique artistic ability or craftsmanship that only a certain party can perform, contract obligation cannot be delegated. Contract assignment is when the transfer of contract rights occurs.

Moral obligations can appear solid enough to have a legal contract, but legal contracts and moral obligations are completely different items. A moral obligation may be put in a contract, while some are protected by the law even if no contract exists. A moral obligation is what you must do under a certain ethical system. When you put your signature on a contract, there are certain legal provisions to follow in the contract. While contracts might make you do things that you think are immoral, they normally don't make you violate the law.

For example, you cannot sign a contract if it has you harming another individual. However, you can give up your legal rights by saying you'll settle all disputes or sign your copyrights over for a work of art. You also have a responsibility to follow the law in addition to following contractual obligations. Scholars have argued for years about whether it's a moral obligation to follow the law. If you don't follow the rules of a contract you signed or violate federal or state laws, you're at risk of being sued or imprisoned.

If you agree to a contract that has a clause that violates your company's moral obligations, this isn't considered a good enough reason to breach your contract. This is why it's essential to read all the terms of a contract thoroughly before you sign it. If local laws are violated in the contract terms, it may not be enforceable.

There are some contracts that are very problematic, and courts will rule that they're unconscionable based on moral principles. As an example, if you state in your contract that your employees need to pay you if your company ends up going bankrupt, the court will say this violates moral standards and is unconscionable.

How to Properly Manage Your Contractual Obligation to Gain a Strategic Advantage

Contracts play an important role in an agreement that's legally binding between several people. This includes certain terms about what each party can and can't do. The average contract has critical dates, legal clauses, obligations, terms, and conditions in them.

If you need help with an obligation to contract, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.