G-28 Form

The G-28 Form is an immigration form filed by an accredited representative through United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to process the case of an applicant for immigration benefits or relief. However, the form need not be submitted if a non-citizen doesn’t have an attorney and is submitting an immigrant-related application or is going through removal proceedings without an accredited representative’s assistance.

An accredited representative can be a member of a charitable organization, a lawyer, a social service representative, a religious person, or a member of another organization that is dedicated to helping people.  

Once the Form G-28 is submitted, the attorney representing the non-citizen will send and receive correspondence on behalf of the client. Further, if the UCCIS asks for additional documentation, the immigration attorney will be able to better understand what documents may be missing from the application, and will be better apt to keep track of deadlines.

The form itself, which is free to file, will save the non-citizen a significant amount of time, hassle, and frustration having to read through complex, various documents.

Some additional factors to keep in mind when filing Form G-28:

  • In the past, the USCIS has revised the form (January 2015). Therefore, if the form is revised, the prior versions cannot be submitted, so you should ensure that the correct G-28 version is being submitted to the USCIS.
  • Form E-28, while similar to a G-28, is not identical in nature. Form E-28 is to be used to enter an appearance before the immigration court.
  • Form G-28 is to be submitted to USCIS for each application or petition.
  • If submitting a G-28 for employment purposes, the G-28 must also be filed in conjunction with an employment authorization application.
  • Attorneys cannot use their firm’s address as the client’s mailing address.
  • The online downloadable version of Form G-28 can be obtained at www.uscis.gov/g-28.
  • When filing an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Office, a new Form G-28 should be filed.
  • In a proceeding before the USCIS, the beneficiary of a petition is not considered a recognized party, and is therefore not required to sign the Form G-28.
  • Form G-28 must be filed by an attorney or accredited representative who is appearing for a limited purpose at a proceeding.
  • A written request must be filed by the attorney or accredited representative specified in the Form G-28 who seeks to withdraw his or her appearance in a proceeding before the Homeland Security.

Revised Form G-28

The revised form allows the represented party to request that documents and notices be sent to the attorney or accredited representative as opposed to having the documentation sent to his or her mailing address. Should you choose this option, ensure that your attorney or accredited representative selects the appropriate box in the application. Note that there is an additional box to give consent for additional documents, including travel documents, green cards, etc., to your attorney or accredited representative.

If you need help finding an immigration attorney or filing a Form G-28, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.