Knowing how to define domestic business is essential when forming a new company. A domestic corporation, also known as home trade or internal business, is a business that keeps their affairs in their home country. These companies are only affected by legal, cultural, and economic factors that are specific to their nation or environment.

What is a Domestic Business?

A domestic business isn't taxed the same as a foreign corporation and may need to pay fees or duties on products being imported. With domestic trade, the seller and buyer live in the same country, meaning the trade agreement is based on laws, practices, and customs that the specific country follows.

There are many advantages a domestic corporation has, including the following:

  • Lower transportation cost
  • Small-scale enterprises are encouraged
  • Low cost of the transaction
  • Less time between production of goods and sale of goods

What is an International Business?

An international business is where trade and manufacturing happen beyond the company's domestic borders. Companies that get incorporated in another country different from where they originate are known as foreign corporations. All economic activities that happen in these transactions fall under external or international business. This includes commercial activities such as investment, sales, logistics, and more, where multiple countries are involved. The company that's doing international business is known as a transactional or multinational company. They enjoy having a larger customer base from other countries, and more options on where their resources come from.

An international business expands investment and trade among other countries. There are some drawbacks to this when it comes to entering into the international market, such as quotas, tariffs, and socio-cultural, political, economic, and a variety of other factors that affect international business.

Key Differences

There are many differences between the two types of business. Domestic business is where a company has economic transactions that are done within the country's geographical limits. International business is where a company isn't restricted to just one country, such as a business who has several different countries around the world that they're engaged with. The quality of services and standards of products provided by a domestic business is usually lower, while the international business quality standards are very high and set based on global standards.

Domestic business only has currency in the country that it's operating in, while international business operates with a variety of currencies. Domestic business has less capital investment than international business does, and there are not as many restrictions, as they only have to follow law taxation for one country. International business has law taxation, quotas, rules, and tariffs for many different countries that they need to follow. These many restrictions act as barriers to international business.

The customers for a domestic business are often the same. However, international businesses serve a variety of customers since they're dealing with different cultures. Business research can be done easily in domestic business, while it's harder to study international business since it's more expensive and the research varies from each country. Factors of production tend to be mobile in domestic business, while the mobility is restricted when it comes to factors of production in international business. Even though there are complications, domestic business is easier than international business.

Market Analysis

Understanding what the target market is for each country can be a challenge when conducting business in international markets. Firms need to invest a large amount of resources into analyzing what the customers from different countries will purchase and how they should market. This may mean a significant investment of time is necessary for every country, whereas in a domestic environment, the firm can usually predict customer preferences with ease. They're more familiar with what the competitors are offering and can understand their own market niche better.

Cyclical Changes

It tends to be easier to predict cyclical changes when it comes to the domestic business environment. The firm can usually appropriately prepare to take advantage of any economic upturns and remain afloat during downturns. On the downside, cyclical changes affect domestic firms more than international firms, which make them more vulnerable to any ups and downs compared to the domestic market.

If you need help with how to define domestic business, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.