Contract for Delivery of Goods: Everything You Need to Know
The contract for delivery of goods is a crucial part of a contract between a buyer and seller as it ensures that everything is received in a timely fashion. 3 min read
The contract for delivery of goods is a very important part of a contract between a buyer and seller. Delivering a product or service is the ultimate goal in most contracts, and ensuring everything is received in a timely fashion could make or break a business relationship. Including specific clauses in your contract regarding the delivery of goods and services is crucial for a solid sale.
How to Make a Content Service Delivery Contract
This type of contract will help protect the interests of all parties in the agreement. It also helps confirm the expectations of the delivery.
1. Calculate the number of pieces that are required by the contract. In general, freelancers will work on a batched project at a time, such as 30 articles per batch. If the work will be continuous, you need to state exactly how many pieces are going to be required to fulfill the project. You can also specify the number of pieces you want per week.
2. You need to set the terms for the delivery of the content. If the content is to be directly uploaded to your site or sent to email, this needs to be included in your content contract. You also need to specify the timeframes for delivery in the contract.
3. Be sure you have a re-writing clause in the contract. Writing is considered a subjective business and the writer could not write what you would prefer with regard to voice and style. Having a re-writing clause will cement your right to have a writer make changes and fix any issues in a piece of content. Also, remember that you should limit your re-writes to two. If you ask for any more than that, your writer could require you pay extra.
4. Have a section for the terms of payment to the writer for the content. This is the amount of money you are going to pay per piece and the arrangements for those payments. Most content writers will require you to pay a deposit to start on your work. They will then accept payments for the remainder of the work as it is completed satisfactorily.
5. Have a clause in place for late delivery of the content. There are some writers who are not as strict with deadlines as others. This can cause a project to last longer than necessary. To make sure that all parties are satisfied with the project deadline, you need to have a clause detailing what happens if the content is late. You could, for instance, decrease the project fee by 5 percent.
Delivery of Goods
The delivery of goods in the Sale of Goods Act is the voluntary transfer of a possession from one to another. For a delivery to be valid, the goods have to be transferred not under duress, but willingly. There is to be no force, theft, or fraud with the transfer. Just having possession of the item does not constitute the delivery of the goods.
1. Actual Delivery: This is also known as the physical delivery. This occurs when goods are actually and physically given by a seller to the buyer for possession. An example is when you by a car from a car salesman. You are gaining possession of the car, thus, you have received the actual delivery of goods.
2. Constructive Delivery: This refers to there being no delivery made. The person who possesses the product will recognize that he or she has possession for the benefit of and the disposal for the person who bought it. This is also known as attornment. This occurs when a seller sells the product and agrees to hold it as bailee for the purchaser. It also occurs when the buyer is in possession of the product as bailee for the seller and holds it as his or her own after a sale. It also occurs when a third party like a carrier holds the products as bailee for a seller and agrees to hold them for a buyer.
If you need help with a contract for delivery of goods, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law, and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.