Carpentry Contracts: Everything You Need to Know
Carpentry contracts are legally binding documents between an individual and a carpenter who is working on a project that covers the scope and details of the work to be performed, the amount the carpenter will be paid, and how long the project is expected to take. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
Carpentry contracts are legally binding documents between an individual and a carpenter who is working on a project that covers the scope and details of the work to be performed, the amount the carpenter will be paid, and how long the project is expected to take.
When a Carpentry Contract is Needed
A carpentry project usually includes construction of buildings, additions, cabinetry, or woodwork. A carpenter would be called in for a remodeling project, building a deck, or minor repairs in a home or commercial building.
Both you and your carpenter are protected by creating a legal document that outlines all the details that go into the project, such as the materials to be used, the timeframe of the project, the budget, and more. With this contract, there will be no misunderstandings as the project takes shape.
What Should the Contract Include?
Your carpentry contract should include all of the important information about the project, so both the contractor and the building owner know exactly what will take place. It includes the contractor's quotation for the service and the acceptance of the individual hiring them to do the work. When it is signed by an authorized party, it is legally binding.
Here is some of the information included in a typical carpentry contract:
- The carpenter's name or business name, along with contact information such as name, address, phone number, and license number.
- The scope of the carpentry project and a thorough description of the work expected and who will do it.
- Details about the project such as sizes, models, materials, and colors.
- Schedule for payment, including any deposit amounts to be paid
Information about any necessary permits, and who will be responsible for obtaining them - Details about what cleanup, debris removal, and leftover material disposal will be done
- Information about any necessary equipment rentals and who will pay the rental fees
- Information about any warranties for materials to be used
- If there are any architectural drawings, they should be attached to the contract.
Beyond the usual contract information, sometimes it's necessary to add more details or contract clauses for special situations that might come up during the project. Some examples of this include:
- Building code standards that must be maintained.
- Unstable surfaces that need correction.
- Explanation of what will happen if work is done improperly or is incomplete.
- Refunds to be given to the client if the job ends prematurely.
- Repairs of any unexpected damages that may occur while the project takes place.
- Billing reductions or docked wages for lateness or unreasonable delays.
Carpentry Contract Letter-Writing Process
Since every carpentry project is unique, you may need to write a contract to cover your own unique situation. A contract letter is a good way to begin this process, giving both parties a chance to discuss the agreement before a final legally binding document is drafted. There are several steps that should be followed to help it go smoothly.
- Create a rough draft of the carpentry agreement that includes every item both parties have agreed upon. This should include a list of the expected costs and work to be performed. After this is complete, go over it by phone or in person to make sure every important point is covered.
- The formal agreement should be titled “Contract for Carpentry Work” or something similar. Add the names of every party who is involved in the contract.
- Using either a paragraph format or a bulleted list, state all of the items you have agreed on, using the parties' last names as needed.
- Detail the costs for the project, divided into categories for labor and materials. This should be specific and include everything, listing the costs per individual task, or if appropriate you can list it by line item.
- Create a section about payment expectations, including ay deposits that need to be made so the carpenter can obtain needed materials for the project. Labor may be paid weekly or at other agreed-upon intervals.
- Liability waivers should be included, and information about insurance, bonds, and building permits.
When you have written all of the above items, you may end the contract letter by saying that both parties understand that the details in the letter are estimates, but the carpenter intends to work according to the agreement, and in return, the client will pay as promised.
If you need more information or help with carpentry contracts, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.