Articles of Incorporation Oklahoma: What You Need to Know
Articles of incorporation Oklahoma must be filed to start a corporation in the state. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
Articles of incorporation Oklahoma must be filed to start a corporation in the state.
Oklahoma Articles of Incorporation
Before you can start a corporation, you must prepare and file the articles of incorporation. Upon approval of this document, your business will receive approval for the name and will be legally created as a corporation in the state of Oklahoma.
Your business will need the approval of its articles of incorporation before it can:
- Sign contracts
- Apply for tax identification numbers (TIN)
- Obtain a business license
- Conduct business
In order to incorporate in the state, your company's articles of incorporation must be filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. When filing your articles of incorporation, you will need to send the document to the Business Filing Department of the Oklahoma Secretary of State.
Use the Certificate of Incorporation form. You can file the form in person, by mail, by fax, or online at the Secretary of State's filing website. For a business with up to $50,000 in authorized shares, the filing fee is $50. If you need same-day service for your articles of incorporation, you must file in person and pay an additional $25 expediting fee.
When filing by mail, the turnaround time is about 7 to 10 business days. Filing online takes about one business day, as does filing in person and paying the expedited processing fee. The law that governs the formation of corporations in the state of Oklahoma is found in the state statutes, title 18, §1000 et seq. The owners of a business may provide a general statement, such as any lawful activity or act that allows a corporation to be organized under the general state law.
Required Data in the Oklahoma Articles of Incorporation
A corporation operating in the state of Oklahoma must have at least one director. The articles of incorporation must include certain key information:
- Business name
- Name and address of the corporation's registered agent
- The corporation's duration (if applicable)
- The corporation's purpose
- Mailing address
- The number of shares of stock the business is authorized to issue, as well as each stock's class and pare value
- Incorporator's name and address
The incorporation of a business in the state of Oklahoma must also be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident of the country. However, no requirement exists that the incorporator must reside in the state.
In order to classify stock under section 1244, a corporation must have a larger application of the business loss deductions to ordinary income than stock that is classified under the standard classification. The standard stock classification allows the owner(s) to offset up to $3,000 against the company's standard income. When the business issues section 1244 stock, it can claim up to $100,000 in ordinary loss deduction.
A corporation in the state of Oklahoma must also appoint a registered agent. This individual or business must be physically located in Oklahoma and available to receive service of process. The person or business you appoint as the registered agent must be available at their physical address during standard business hours in order to accept any crucial tax and legal documents on behalf of your corporation. If you choose to authorize a business, it must be a corporation that holds the authorization to be a registered agent.
Instructions for Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization by Mail
If you choose to file your articles of organization by mail, make sure to include the name and Oklahoma-based address of your registered agent. This address is not allowed to be a PO Box. Instead, it must be a physical address that is located in the state of Oklahoma.
Instructions for LLC Oklahoma Articles of Organization Online
If you file your articles of incorporation online, make sure to include the address of your principal location. This address also cannot be a P.O. Box. Some examples of acceptable addresses include:
- The corporation owner's home address
- The main office address
- The address of a friend or family member of the owner
- The address of the corporation's registered agent
As you choose a registered agent, follow the instructions in this helpful lesson to determine who qualifies to serve in this role. When you select the type of agent, you will need to choose whether your registered agent is a business or an individual. Next, enter the name of the agent and their physical street address in the state of Oklahoma.
If you need help with articles of incorporation Oklahoma, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.