What Can Prevent a Patent from Being Granted
What can prevent a patent from being granted? This is a question that many people ask when they're filing for patent protections. 3 min read
What can prevent a patent from being granted? This is a question that many people ask when they're filing for patent protections. Unfortunately, your patent application might be denied for several reasons, including disclosing your invention without claiming a priority date and failing to provide the required information in your application.
U.S. Patent Law and Patent Rights
When the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issues a patent, the patent holder is granted exclusive rights to their patent. With these rights in place, the patent holder will be able to limit access to their invention, including:
- Preventing others from using their invention.
- Stopping others from making their invention.
- Prohibiting the unauthorized sale of their invention.
A mistake that many people make is assuming that patents give the patent holder the right to produce their invention. This is not the case. Only the right to exclude is granted by a patent. Several factors could prevent you from manufacturing your own invention, including laws related to your invention and the rights of other people.
Other people can make your invention, but only after you have provided authorization. Typically, you would use a patent license agreement to allow another person to manufacture or use your invention.
Patents and Infringement
Infringement is one of the issues that could possibly prevent your patent from being granted. When a patent is infringed upon, it means that the patent holder's rights to exclude have been violated. This can mean that someone is using, selling, importing, or producing an invention without the patent owner's express permission.
If you file a patent application, and the claims you make in your application infringe on the claims of a previously granted patent, then your patent will almost certainly not be granted. In most cases, there will be multiple claims in a single patent, and infringement of one claim constitutes infringement of the entire patent.
Infringement, in addition to preventing your patent from being granted, may result in you being sued by the patent owner. If the patent owner wins the infringement lawsuit, they may ask for both an injunction and monetary damages.
Grant Proposals and Patent Protections
Another issue that can prevent your patent from being granted involves the priority date of your patent. If you fail to establish a priority filing date before publicly disclosing your invention, you will lose your non-U. S. patent rights. If your invention has been disclosed in a publication over a year before you have filed your United States patent application, your patent will generally not be granted.
For an invention to be patentable, it needs to be novel, and one part of novelty is that the invention has not yet been published. A former exception to this rule is if you have disclosed your invention to receive a grant from a university. At one time, grant proposals were not considered publications for the purposes of disclosing inventions. The reason for this is that in the past, the general public usually did not have access to grant proposals.
This view was changed by the ruling in the federal court case known as DuPont v. Cetus. In this case, an invention was disclosed in an NSF grant proposal. The court ruled that the proposal was accessible to interested parties, which means that the invention was publicly disclosed. Disclosure of the invention in the NSF grant proposal occurred more than a year before the patent application was filed, resulting in the patent not being approved.
If you're considering filing a grant proposal, you should be aware that disclosing your invention in this proposal may result in you losing the ability to patent your invention if the proposal is publicly available. Additionally, even if you don't have any research data, predicting an invention in a grant proposal may prevent you from patenting your invention if your prediction turns out to be correct.
When you're writing your grant proposal, you should refrain from making firm predictions as to what the results of your research data may be. You should also avoid fully disclosing the existing technologies upon which your invention is based. Hopefully, taking these protections will prevent you from losing your invention patentability by submitting your grant proposal.
If you need help determining what can prevent a patent from being granted, you can post your legal needs on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.