Can An LLC Have A President: Everything You Need to Know
If you draft an operating agreement, the LLC members will be able to decide what type of decisions can be made by the managers and which decisions will be voted on by the members of the LLC. 3 min read updated on November 11, 2020
Can An LLC Have a President?
A common question that many business owners and entrepreneurs have is whether an LLC can have a president, and if so, under what circumstances? Undoubtedly, these individuals recognize that an LLC can benefit significantly from the leadership of a president.
What Is An LLC?
Members of an LLC must agree to form corporate officer positions. They must also vote to appoint an individual to act as the CEO or president of an LLC. In general, the responsibility of the president or CEO is to serve as a driving force behind the mission or objectives of the company. Other officers of an LLC can include a vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
The owners of an LLC may not want to be responsible for managing the LLC on a day-to-day basis. If this is the case, the owners can hire managers.
LLCs that decide to hire managers to be responsible for management on a daily basis need to disclose the name, title, and address of the LLC managers. Managers can be granted the title of "vice president." More than one individual can be granted this title.
In an LLC managed by managers, the ownership of the LLC is divided into two classes. The first class is the members while the second class is the managers. The members have no power when it comes to the day-to-day operation of the business. The members are responsible for investing in the business while the managers are responsible for running the business.
What is an Operating Agreement?
The purpose of the operating agreement is to serve as a contract for regulating the management of an LLC.
Operating agreements are contracts that are similar to corporate bylaws and partnership agreements. The operating agreement needs to indicate which individual or entity possesses signatory authority, which is the right to sign for the LLC.
If you draft an operating agreement, the LLC members will be able to decide what type of decisions can be made by the managers and which decisions will be voted on by the members of the LLC.
All of the owners of the LLC need to sign the operating agreement.
It is essential that you use the operating agreement to issue a name or title to each individual. The operating agreement should also outline the duties assigned to each individual.
Operating agreements can include Budget Director, Treasurer, Financial Managers, and more. Any title that is approved by all of the members of the LLC who are responsible for forming the structure of the business can be used.
The operating agreement needs to be signed and executed by all of the owners of the LLC. The list should indicate which individuals have which authority. The list should also designate the title issued to the individual responsible for the duties assigned to them.
The operating agreement should also indicate which individuals in the LLC have the authority to sign for the LLC. This individual has the power to bind the LLC to later agreements and contracts.
Official written operating contracts and agreements are necessary for the following reasons:
- Assign and define the roles of the owners
- Outline the main obligations, duties, and responsibilities of the owners
In some states, LLCs must have an operating agreement.
Ideally, the owners of an LLC will consult business law professionals to help them choose the best structure and to also help them write the operating agreement.
What Is the Head of An LLC Called?
It is up to the members of an LLC to decide the title for the head of their LLC. You should select a title that projects the image you want for your company. Be sure the title you select is clear and not misleading. The title should also be appropriate and professional.
Official Names for LLC Owners and Managers
All LLCs need to have an operating structure of some kind. There is also the need to designate control of ownership.
No matter which designation you select, the individual needs to be ready to hold control, to sign for the LLC, and to exercise organization authority.
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