Dr. Alexander Miller

Dr. Alexander Miller

Rechtsanwalt (DE) - Attorney at Law

St.Gallen Area, Switzerland
Licensed in
Rechtsanwalskammer Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg
5.0 5
Clear Communication
Response Time
Meets Deadlines
out of 2 reviews
More than 15 years of experience in trademarks and designs, searches, filings, development of filing strategies, defense of TM and Design rights.
Practical work experience in several countries (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany)
Fluent in German (mother tongue), English and Spanish, basic knowledge in French and Italian.
Law studies in Freiburg / Germany (two State Board Exams and Dr. jur. - "PhD"), LL.M. in International and Comparative Law from Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, IL; University Specialist in Trademark and Designs by the University of Alicante / Spain; Intern with OHIM in Alicante / Spain and German Chamber of Commerce
… read more in Madrid /Spain.
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Client Reviews

Clear Communication
Response Time
Meets Deadlines
out of 2 reviews
Clear Communication
Response Time
Meets Deadlines

"Mr. Miller was representing a client of mine in front of the swiss patent- and trademark office (IGE). The worked very fast, friendly and professional. The cost structure was very transparent. I can recommend Mr. Miller to all who are interested in any services concerning Intellectual Property in Switzerland and Liechtenstein."

Nicolas Kerscher - Patent Attorney at Caterpillar Inc.
Non-UpCounsel Client
Clear Communication
Response Time
Meets Deadlines

"Herrn Dr. Alexander Miller habe ich im Zusammenhang mit einer Marken-/Namensrecht Auseinandersetzung mit einem großen italienischen Yachtkonzern als äußerst kompetenten, gut organisierten und sehr professionellen Rechtsanwalt kennen gelernt. Sein umfangreiches fachliches Wissen und die mehrsprachige Umsetzung können nur bestens empfohlen werden. Peter Mintel - Magellan Marine AG"

Magellan Marine AG
Non-UpCounsel Client

Work History

Bogensberger Patent- und Markenbüro, Eschen, Liechtenstein

TM & Design Attorney, Head of Trademark Department

Sep 2012 - Present

Trademark availiability searches and filings with the Liechtenstein and Swiss TM Office and before WIPO in Geneva, oppositions before IGE, handling of provisional refusals issued by the Swiss and Liechtenstein TM Offices against Swiss and Liechtenstein parts of International trademark applications (WIPO), Design filings before the Liechtenstein, Swiss Office and WIPO

Sep 2012 - Present

Miller IP Consulting and Services, Grabs, Switzerland

Founder, Owner & CEO

Apr 2010 - Present

IP Consulting and Services before IGE in Berne and WIPO in Geneva.
TM availability Searches in the four German speaking countries (AT, CH, DE, FL), TM and design filings in Switzerland and before WIPO
In January 2016, a second office will be opened in Liechtenstein in order to provide TM & Design services there as well.
TM & Design Renewals, EP Patent validations, Patent Annuity Payments

Apr 2010 - Present

Patentbüro Paul Rosenich AG

Trademark & Design Attorney, Head of Legal Department

Feb 2008 - Present

Trademark & Design availability searches and filings in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Opposition proceedings before the Swiss TM Office, Representtion of clients in case of refusals issued by WIPO in Geneva against Swiss or Liechtenstein parts of International TM applications.

Feb 2008 - Present

Dennemeyer & Co., Luxemburg

Sales Director

Oct 2003 - Oct 2005

Sales of IP Software & Services

Oct 2003 - Oct 2005

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