A New Mexico LLC search is done for the purposes of obtaining information about a business. Searches provide information such as whether businesses have been legally formed in the state, whether it's in good standing, the business address, and the address of the registered agent

Using the Secretary of State (SOS) website allows you to search for information on an owner. Searches for an already established LLC may be done using the following steps.

  • Name - This search option is used most often. The key to finding the information you need is by using a variety of keywords to filter the search.
  • Director - The name of the person who either owns or manages the company.
  • Registered Agent - This is the name of the legal representative for the company. The registered agent is not the name of the owner.
  • A business ID number may also be entered in the appropriate field at the Secretary of State search portal. 
  • The business ID option should bring up only one search result. The public information provided will include the LLC's contact information, the registered agent details, business ID number, and the names of the organizers involved with the LLC.

Use the following steps to search for name availability for your own business entity at the Secretary of State search portal.

  • Select a name that is appropriate and follows the naming guidelines for LLCs.
  • The availability tool on the SOS website is used to search for name availability. 
  • Enter the name you've chosen for your LLC into the appropriate field to search for availability or matches.
  • If the name you've chosen for your LLC is available, an image will be displayed. If the name is in use, a list will be displayed showing each registered business that is in conflict with the name you've chosen. 
  • If there are plans to create a website at some point, also check for the availability of the URL with the business name you've chosen at websites that offer domain names for sale. Whether you choose to use the URL, or not, purchasing it prevents anyone else from acquiring it and using it for their own purposes.
  • It is also recommended to get a professional email address for your company that is separate from your personal email account.

When doing a search at the Secretary of State portal for information on a corporation, use the following steps:

  1. Enter the corporation's name or the New Mexico Public Registration Commission (NMPRC). You may also search using the name of the LLC's director or the registered agent.
  2. The results page provides corporation information such as name and status with the option to see more information.
  3. Additional information includes the date it was incorporated, the state where it was incorporated, the New Mexico State Corporation Commission (NMSCC) number, registered agent's name and address, manager names, and the principal address of the office.

Reserving a Corporate or LLC Name

If you do a search for the name you've selected using the Secretary of State database and find that it is available, you have the option of reserving the name. The name can be reserved for up to 120 days. 

  • From the NMPRC (New Mexico Public Regulation Commission) website, download the Reservation Application form and completely fill it out. 
  • Mail the completed form to the Public Regulation Commission Corporation Bureau, P. O. Box 1269, Santa FE, New Mexico 87504-1269 along with the appropriate filing fee for a profit corporation or a non-profit corporation or an LLC, if applicable.


Q. Who do I contact about filing forms for an LLC in New Mexico?

A. The New Mexico Secretary of State Corporations Bureau is the point of contact for filing domestic and foreign forms. This includes the LLC's articles of incorporation, annual reports, articles of organization, dissolutions and any other forms required by the bureau.

Q. As a foreign business wanting to do business in New Mexico, does the Secretary of State handle the authorization?

A. Yes. The SOS is responsible for issuing a Certificate of Authority to foreign entities.

Q. What's the purpose of doing a name search?

A. To establish if the name you've chosen is available.

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