Wyoming LLC Search: Everything You Need to Know
If you are about to set up an LLC in Wyoming, you should follow the below steps to search for duplicates and avoid your registration being declined. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022
You need to conduct a Wyoming LLC search for a suitable name and make sure that your chosen business name is available before you would be able to register your business in Wyoming, . You will need to find a distinct name and incorporate the endings that are relevant to your form of incorporation.
Choose a Name For Your Wyoming Business
You need to conduct a search to make sure that your proposed business name is not already in use, and add the right corporate endings to your name. As a general rule, your business name should not be similar to any other Wyoming corporations, or trademarks. If you have partners, you might use their names, and add the DBA (doing business as) fictitious name registered as a trade name for your business.
Searching for an LLC in Wyoming
If you are about to set up an LLC in Wyoming, you should follow the below steps to search for duplicates and avoid your registration being declined.
- Browse existing business names on the Wyoming Secretary of State Business Search website.
- Choose how you want to search: “starts with” or “contains,” and click search.
- Don't add LLC or L.L.C. in the business name you are searching for.
- The search engine doesn't take into consideration capital punctuation, or uppercase/lowercase variations.
- Once your results are displayed and you are satisfied that your business name is unique and clearly distinguishable, you can go ahead and register your business name.
Bear in mind that the state of Wyoming is extremely strict on the requirements of uniqueness. If you need advice on how to determine whether or not your name is clearly distinguishable, get in touch with an experienced business attorney for clarification.
If your LLC name is rejected, as it is not clearly distinguishable, the filing fee of $100 will be fortified, and you will have to still choose another name.
Searching by Name
If you search for a business by name, you will find a list of results based on your search. You will need to review the results and take a note of business details. You need to be satisfied that the results are not similar to yours, and your chosen name is available to use.
If you are shown the message “no results found”, you have a good chance of getting your business name registration accepted.
Searching by Filing ID
If you search by filing ID, you will have to approach your search as follows:
- Visit the Business Filing Search website of the Wyoming Secretary of State.
- Enter the filing ID number on the second page.
- Click “search.”
- You should be presented with the detailed information about the business you searched for once you have clicked on the name.
- You can find the primary address, filing history, partners, and registered agent information displayed.
This method is good when you found a business with a similar business name and would like to check whether or not they are still registered.
Wyoming LLC Name Requirements and Restrictions
When you decide on your business name, you need to make sure that it complies with the requirements and isn't restricted by the Wyoming Secretary of State.
The general guidelines are detailed below.
- The name needs to represent your incorporation form, and should not suggest another form
- At the end of your name you should use the proper designator, such as an LLC or L.L.C, Corp., or Corporation
- You can use or omit commas before the LLC name
- Your LLC name should not be easy to confuse with another business registered in Wyoming
If you register an LLC name, you should include one of the following designators:
- L.L.C.
- LC
- L.C.
- Liability Company
- Limited Liability Co.
- Limited Company
- Limited Liability Company
- Ltd. Liability Co.
Further, according to Section 17-29-108 of the Wyoming Code, your LLC name should not be deceptively similar to another businesses' on file.
Special Approval LLC Name Requirements
You need to seek permission from the Department of Education if you are planning on using the following terms in your name:
- University
- College
- Education
- Educate
- Institute
- Educational
- Institution
You also need to seek permission from the Division of Banking for using the following terms in your business name:
- Trust
- Banker
- Bank
- Banque
- Banco
- Banc
- Banquers
- Banca
Wyoming Business Search and Registration: The Costs
If you want to form a C-Corp, S-Corp, or LLC, you will need to pay a fee of $100 on top of the standard incorporation fee.
If you need help with a Wyoming LLC Search, you can post your need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.