Arizona LLC Fees are required fees that must be paid to the Arizona Corporate Commission in order to successfully register your business with the state. Fees will vary depending on your company's exact structure.

Forming an LLC in Arizona

LLC Corporations are typically formed when business owners desire a flexible business structure. Owners and members who form their company under this type of incorporation are protected, to a degree, from the liability of the company. Members of an LLC do not have to be people. An LLC member may be any combination of the following:  

  • Foreign Entities
  • Individuals
  • Another LLC  
  • Corporations

Because of the unique and flexible nature of this business structure, an LLC is also sometimes referred to as a "hybrid" company.

While forming an LLC in Arizona is relatively inexpensive and painless, there are some unique requirements that need to be met. To begin with, you'll need to complete the following steps:  

  • Research and register the intended name of your business
  • Complete and required forms to the Arizona Corporate Commission
  • Meet state formation requirements
  • Pay all required fees

Naming the Arizona LLC

Naming your business is an important first step in forming an LLC, and should be completed before you do anything else. Many people find this step confusing, but you can avoid a lot of frustration by making sure your company's name is unique from other LLC names in the state. Doing so will help make getting your business name approved much easier. An easy way to accomplish this is by simply researching your business name to make sure it accurately represents your business model and can be easily found by potential customers.

Arizona law requires that all LLC company names include one of the following words, phrases, or abbreviations:  

If you are forming a professional LLC, the name must contain one of the following words, phrases, or abbreviations:  

  • Professional Limited Liability Company
  • PLLC
  • P.L.L.C.  
  • PLC
  • P.L.C.

Certain words are restricted from appearing in a business name when forming an LLC without taking additional steps. If you are a doctor or lawyer, for example, you will need to submit additional paperwork and provide any relevant licenses before using words associated with such practices in your LLC's name. Any words that may cause confusion by potentially associating your company with any government agency, such as the FBI, CIA, etc., are strictly prohibited from appearing in your business name.

You'll need to make sure your chosen company name isn't already in use by running a search on Arizona's website. Even if you don't plan to create a website for your company right away, it's a good idea to reserve a domain name once you have researched and decided upon your company name. Doing so will prevent others from buying your intended domain name, requiring you to pay even more for it should you decide to launch a website at a later time.

Once you have researched and decided on a name for your company, you'll need to reserve it with the state. This can be done by either completing an Application to Reserve Limited Liability Company Name on the Arizona Corporation Commission's website or by mailing your application into their office. Filing online has a $45 fee associated while filing via mail costs only $10. 

When submitting an Application to Reserve Limited Liability Company Name, you must include the following information:  

  • Your intended business name
  • Business structure type
  • Your name and address  
  • Signature with the current date

It's a good idea to check the availability of your intended business name before submitting this application. This can be done either by contacting the Arizona Corporation Commission directly or by checking their online database.

Choose a Statutory Agent

LLCs based in Arizona are required to have a Statutory Agent. A Statutory Agent, or Registered Agent, can be either a person or another company who agrees to facilitate all correspondence related to your LLC. This agent is required to be an Arizona resident, if they are an individual, or authorized to conduct business in the state if they are a corporation. Any member of your company may be appointed as the Statutory Agent, including you.

If you need help with Arizona LLC Fees, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.