Overland Park Startup Attorneys & Lawyers

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Steven S.

Steven Stark

579 reviews
For over 30 years, Steven Stark has offered counsel to non-profit organizations and private companies. He has a passion for helping small businesses in particular since he himself started several businesses of his own in New York and Florida. He understands the importance of small businesses having a reliable attorney to advise them about legal matters from their inception.
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Neil G.

Neil Gandhi

326 reviews
Neil Ghandhi has 12 years of experience as a corporate attorney. He is licensed to practice law in both New York and New Jersey. Neil received his legal degree from the Fordham University School of Law. Neil is experienced in securities and finances, and often assists startup companies overcome legal obstacles. He has been the chief legal officer at ComicsVerse.com since December 2015, as well as the managing attorney at his own legal office since January 2014.
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Jake S.

Jake Siciliano

259 reviews
Jake graduated from Thomas Jefferson School of Law where he focused on international trademark and corporate law. As of 2022, he has obtained his L.L.M. in Financial Compli... read more
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Mario N.

Mario Naim

225 reviews
Mario's firm focuses on serving growth companies throughout the venture capital life cycle from startups to public companies. The firm provides services related to business law, specifically corporate, securities, business combinations and commercial transactions. He has also helped foreign clients in the acquisitions of businesses in the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and South America.
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Richard G.

Richard Gora

200 reviews
Looking for an attorney with experience? Richard Gora is the exact attorney you want. Having defended over 100 cases both in state and federal courts and working with clients from around the globe, Richard has an array of different experiences. His services are wide-ranging and include business litigation, securities litigations, employment litigation, and business counsel. Prior to founding Gora LLC, he worked for Finn, Dixon & Herling LLP for eight years.
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Michael W.

Michael Wieser

155 reviews
I am dedicated to working with startup entrepreneurs and early stage growth companies to provide legal stability and scalability for growing enterprises. What sets me apart... read more
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Brig R.

Brig Ricks

141 reviews
I am a senior executive and strategic legal adviser with 19 years of experience providing legal services in international environments. I am a general counsel who can advis... read more
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Drew S.

Drew Stokesbary

29 reviews
Drew Stokesbary is a corporate lawyer that primarily specializes in providing legal assistance to startup companies. He has been licensed to practice law in Washington for the past four years. Drew received a legal degree after he graduated from the Notre Dame Law School. He specializes in legal cases related to securities and finances, as well as labor and employment law. In July 2015, Drew founded a law boutique, Stokesbary PPLC, where he now acts as a managing member.
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Michael A.

Michael Ansell

5 reviews
Founder and managing member of NextGen Counsel LLC, regularly counseling businesses and having conducted numerous jury and bench trials, arbitrations, and administrative he... read more
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Dragan I.

Dragan Ivetic

4 reviews
Dragan "Dan" Ivetic is a distinguished attorney in Chicago with a strong focus on trademark law, contracts, and corporate formation. He brings a wealth of expertise and a t... read more
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