If you are a business executive in the state of New York, you may be familiar with the concept of a promissory note. A promissory note is a written document that legally binds the signor to a specific set of terms and conditions set forth by the note’s issuer. It states the amount the borrower is obligated to repay along with any penalties for non-payment. In certain cases, a promissory note might also be used to transfer ownership of an asset.

Due to the weight of a promissory note, it is essential that any executive working within the state of New York understand how to properly handle promissory notes. Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this legal document.

What Should an Executives First Consider when Crafting a Promissory Note?

When crafting a promissory note within the state of New York, the first thing an executive should consider is their need for a legal professional to address the matter. This is especially important if your promissory note is to be used for a larger transaction. An experienced attorney who understands the laws and statutes of New York State can ensure that your promissory note is crafted in accordance with all necessary state regulations.

Are Lenders and Borrowers in New York Subject to Specific Regulations?

Yes. Both lenders and borrowers in New York are subject to specific regulations when it comes to how a promissory note is drafted and executed.

For instance, certain statutes of the New York Banking Law stipulate that, should a lender be late when delivering the funds, they are responsible for damages that would have been described in the lending agreement. Additionally, Section 5-701 of the same statute requires noteholders to include language within the body of the promissory note outlining the penalty fees an individual will be assessed if he or she defaulting on payment.

What Are the Elements That Must Be Included in a Promissory Note?

In the state of New York, several key elements must be included in a promissory note. These include information about lender and borrower, the amount of the loan, periodic payment amounts and due dates, and the loan's maturity date. Additionally, according to Section 5-705 of the New York Banking Law, a detailed breakdown of the penalties for any late payments must also be included. It is also important to include any additional terms as necessary.

Are There Special Provisions for Digital Promissory Notes?

Yes. In 2018, the New York State Department of Financial Services adopted the final installment of its Regulation 79 which established special provisions pertaining to the use of digital promissory notes.

Under Regulation 79, digital promissory notes are classified as “electronic records”, meaning they are legally binding documents that are subject to the same state regulations as their physical counterparts. Additionally, the regulation requires that digital promissory notes contain language stipulating that the document cannot be changed, modified, or terminated without the express consent of both the borrower and lender.

Concluding perspectives

For executives to understand the full scope of how to properly handle legal matters related to promissory notes, consulting an experienced attorney will be essential. With the right counsel, executives can feel confident that any promissory note they craft is compliant with New York state statutes.


Promissory Note,

New York,

Regulation 79