When starting a business in Dallas, it is important to be aware of the different types of partnerships and their respective benefits and drawbacks. A general partnership is a business entity comprised of two or more individuals who are liable for the debts and obligations of their business and share equally in the profits and losses. In this article, we’ll discuss the top five things that Dallas entrepreneurs should consider when evaluating general partnerships.

What Is a General Partnership?

A general partnership in Texas is an agreement between two or more people to form a business venture. Partners are each responsible for managing the day-to-day operations and activities of the business, but they may also designate the duties of each individual. All partners must contribute capital to the venture, and they all share in the profits and losses of the partnership.

Tax Implications

Unlike some other business entities, partnerships do not pay taxes; instead, profits and losses "pass through" to the partners, who then pay personal taxes on their share of income. While this can simplify taxes, it does mean that the partners are liable for the distribution of income and do not get the same limit of liability that other business entities can offer.

Distribution of Profits and Losses

In a general partnership, all profits from the venture are split equally amongst all partners unless otherwise stated. All losses, such as debt, are distributed equally as well. Though partners can agree to split profits differently, there are no legal protections to guarantee that agreement is honored.

Limited Liability

Unlike with more complex business structures, such as a LLC or a corporation, there is no limitation on partners’ liability for the debts or other obligations of the company. All partners are jointly and severally responsible for the liabilities of the partnership, and their personal assets can be seized to satisfy those debts.


In Dallas, a partnership must register with the Secretary of State in order to be legally recognized. Additionally, partnerships can be subject to more reporting requirements than other business structures, and all partners must have a valid Texas registered agent for service of process.

When evaluating a general partnership agreement, it is important to plan for any potential risk and liabilities. While a partnership is often a great way to run a business, it does not offer the same level of protection from personal liability as other business entities. To ensure that your partnership is compliant with the laws of Texas, you should consider consulting with an experienced Dallas business lawyer.


General partnership definition,

Dallas legal services,

Business partnership entities