Obtaining an employer identification number (EIN) is a necessary step for starting any business in Los Angeles and ensuring that the business complies with the various laws and regulations from federal, state and local authorities. EINs can be obtained through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the office of the California Secretary of State, or the office of the Los Angeles City Clerk. It is important to understand the process and requirements for getting an EIN in Los Angeles and the assistance you can get from experienced business attorneys if you require help.

What Is an EIN?

An EIN is like a Social Security number assigned to businesses by the IRS for identification and financial reporting. It is a nine-digit number that is used to open a bank account, file taxes, and hire employees. It may also be referred to as a federal tax ID number, or a taxpayer identification number. Having an EIN is important for certain kinds of organizations such as nonprofit organizations, charities, partnerships, limited liability companies and sole proprietorships.

How to Obtain an EIN

The process for obtaining an EIN depends on the type of business and its location. Although the Federal Tax Authority issues an EIN, some states, such as California, require employers to obtain certain other documentation, such as a City Business Tax Certificate, in addition to the EIN.

In Los Angeles, obtaining an EIN is relatively straightforward and can be done free of charge. The most common way to obtain an EIN in Los Angeles is by applying through the IRS (either by phone or by completing an online form) by providing the business's name and address, contact details, and information on the type of business, the type of structure, and the purpose of the business. It is important to be prepared to answer to questions related to the business's filing status, registered name, and estimated date of operation.

Alternatively, a business may receive an EIN by applying for a City Business Tax Certificate from the Los Angeles City Clerk's office. Small business owners who already have an EIN and need to update their information (such as the name or address) should contact the office of the California Secretary of State.

Expert Legal Support with Obtaining an EIN

If you are looking to start a business in Los Angeles, it is important to understand how to obtain and use an EIN. Experienced business attorneys can provide counsel regarding the procedure and the various requirements related to starting a business. This can be especially useful for complicated business structures such as limited liability companies and for businesses with business licensing and corporate structure issues.

At UpCounsel, our businesses lawyers have a wide range of experience and an in-depth understanding of local regulations. Whether you need a one-time consultation or an entire freelance legal department, UpCounsel’s network of experienced attorneys can provide high quality and cost-effective legal services.



Employer Identification Number,

Los Angeles