People in the business world typically have their own set of tools and strategies to manage their finances and operations. One of the most often utilized is a deed of trust, something most business owners located in Los Angeles often use. A deed of trust, also known as a “trust deed”, is a document that is created in order to give legal authority over a piece of property or some other form of collateral to a lender, or a trustee. This document is created between the borrower and the lender, and the trustee is used as a mediator of sorts.

Below is a primer on the deed of trust for business owners in Los Angeles, as well as an overview of some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with it.

What Is a Deed of Trust?

A deed of trust is a document created between a property owner (known as the trustor) and a lender (known as the beneficiary). This document gives the lender legal authority over the trustor's property until the terms of the deed have been met. The document also outlines the responsibilities of both the trustor and the beneficiary, as well as the terms of the trust between them.

In the deed of trust, the trustor agrees to give the beneficiary the legal right to possess the deed of trust in the case of a breach of contract. This means that if the borrower fails to pay back the loan on time, the beneficiary is allowed to take the trustor to court and demand payment.

In order to create the deed of trust, the trustor must first agree to pay a certain amount of money to the trustee. The money is held in a trust account, and the trustor pays interest on the balance due.

Advantages of a Deed of Trust

The obvious benefit to establishing a deed of trust is that it gives the borrower legal protection from creditors. The trustee will take possession of the deed and will hold it for the lender until the loan has been repaid. This means that creditors cannot take possession of the property if the borrower fails to make payments.

Another advantage of having a deed of trust is that it helps protect the borrower from potential losses. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the trustee will be able to liquidate the collateral to make sure that the lender is made whole. This reduces the risk of the borrower losing the collateral if they fail to make payments.

Disadvantages of a Deed of Trust

The main disadvantage of a deed of trust is the cost associated with it. A deed of trust typically carries a higher interest rate than other forms of lending because of the additional security provided to the lender. This added cost could be significant if the loan amount is significant.

The other downside to having a deed of trust is the legal and financial complexity that can come with it. A deed of trust can be complicated to understand and can create a lot of paperwork for both the trustor and the lender. In some cases, it may also require additional documentation or filing fees that can add to the cost.


A deed of trust can be a useful document for business owners in Los Angeles, especially if they need a form of collateral to secure a loan. It gives the lender security against loss if the borrower defaults, and it also allows lenders to liquidate the collateral if necessary. However, the added costs associated with a deed of trust, as well as the legal complexities, may outweigh the benefits for some business owners. Local attorneys that specialize in business law should be consulted prior to utilizing a deed of trust.

On UpCounsel, business executives can find experienced attorneys that specialize in local business law and have an average of 14 years of expertise. These attorneys can provide consults and help with any issues related to deeds of trust in Los Angeles, and provide you with the advice needed to make an informed decision.


deed of trust,

Los Angeles,

business owners