When it comes to establishing a business, the most important step is creating an operating agreement that lays out the rights of the stakeholders and how the company is expected to operate. This is a critical document that will define the legal aspects of the business’s activity and help avoid potential disputes. An operating agreement template should be tailored according to the specific requirements of the business. In the event of complications such as a merger, acquisition, dissolution, or sale of a business, the operating agreement template and the contractual terms within it will serve as evidence of the envisaged arrangements between the company and its stakeholders.

For business owners based in New York, taking the necessary steps to protect the business is of utmost importance, and understanding the nuances of local regulation is essential. The operative agreement goes to the heart of ensuring the business is structured properly, its legal relationships are properly documented, and it can navigate potential conflicts down the line.

It is vital, then, that business owners in New York find a well-versed business lawyer to review their operative agreement template. UpCounsel can connect you with a network of experienced and qualified lawyers who can draft an operating agreement tailored to your particular business needs and provide guidance as to how it achieves the desired legal arrangement between the company and its stakeholders. Business attorneys on UpCounsel have an average of 14 years of experience and are rated and reviewed for their work.

So, what should be considered in an operative agreement template? Read on for the five critical things to keep in mind when creating an operating agreement.

1. Determining Company Ownership

The first thing to consider when setting up an operating agreement for a business in New York is determining the ownership of the company. This needs to accurately reflect the percentage of ownership for each party, restrict the transfer and sale of ownership shares, and detail the amount of equity each person has in the company. The correct division of ownership rights will ensure that all parties are given their fair share of profits and control of the company.

2. Establishing Maintenance Responsibilities

The second essential factor to consider is how the maintenance of the company is handled. This should include the duties of each party, how each party contributes to the company’s finances, and the governance structure of the company. The duties of the owners should be properly documented in the agreement, as should details of any financial contributions made by them. In addition, the agreement should define the way day-to-day maintenance and financial decisions will be made, and outline delegated powers and voting rights.

3. Specifying Managers

The third aspect to look at when developing an operating agreement template is specifying the individual managers and responsibilities for each party. Each of the stakeholders’ rights and interests should be clearly defined, along with any associated monetary and non-monetary obligations. The agreement should clearly explain the roles each party plays, how they may change over time, and the conditions under which they can change or be terminated.

4. Allocating Equity and Profit Shares

The fourth element of the agreement should be an equitable sharing of profits and equity. The profits and equity of the company should be fairly shared among the stakeholders based on their contributions and level of ownership. It should also specify how and when the division of profits will be calculated and paid out, and any reimbursement of expenses.

5. Addressing Potential Disputes

The final point to consider is how disputes will be addressed in the operating agreement. This should include a dispute resolution clause that outlines the process to be followed should any legal disagreements arise. The clause should also include a section detailing the remedies available should any of the party’s breach the terms of the agreement.

Following the steps outlined above can help New York business owners protect their companies and ensure legal protection for all involved. By creating an operating agreement template that takes into account the nuances of local regulation and that reflects the arrangements intended between the company and its stakeholders, business owners can feel confident that the company’s legal footing will be sound and that potential issues can be avoided.


Operating Agreement Template,

Business Lawyers,

Equity Shares