The world of patents is a complicated and intricate web of laws, rules, and regulations. It can be a daunting task to navigate this web of regulations, if you are not a seasoned legal expert. Even the most seasoned professionals may need some assistance when it comes to understanding the nuances of patent law. With this in mind, and for those of you who may be in the process of filing for a patent, here is a look at the top five things to consider when your patent is pending.

When filing for a patent, it is important to understand all of the documents and forms that may be necessary to secure a patent. It is also important to understand the types of claims and specifications that may be required. Most applications require a Patent Specification, which is a long document that outlines the invention and its technical details. If your application involves complex technology, then you may need to hire a patent attorney to assist in the preparation of the patent specification. Additionally, your patent should include a Claims Chart, which is a technical document that outlines how your invention is unique from previous inventions.

Additionally, you will want to consider the timing when submitting your patent application. While there is no universal timeline for the patent process, the timeline can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the invention. The average product patent application takes between 12-24 months from start to finish, with some patents taking significantly longer than that.

When evaluating the timing of your pending patent, it is important to take into consider the geographic area in which the patent is being filed. Different countries have different patent laws, so understanding local regulations can be important. For those of you based in the US, the US Patent and Trademark Office has offices in most major cities, so it may be worth considering which office is best suited to process your patent application. Additionally, many states have specific laws governing the patent process, so understanding those laws can be helpful when filing an application with the USPTO.

Another important factor to consider when your patent is pending is to determine if any pre-existing patents may be relevant to your invention. Patent infringement involves making, using, selling, or offering to sell an invention that has previously been claimed by a patent on the same type of invention. Therefore, it is important to conduct a thorough search of the USPTO database prior to submitting your application. Additionally, the USPTO also has a comprehensive library of patent examiners, who are experienced professionals in the field of patent law.

Finally, it is important to consider attorney representation when seeking legal counsel for your patent application. While any licensed attorney can provide counsel on patent matters, it is important to find a lawyer who is familiar with the laws and regulations that are specific to your geographic area. For those of you based in New York, find a patent attorney who is experienced with local regulations and has a strong track record of successful patent applications. UpCounsel can help you in this process, providing access to an array of high quality, experienced legal professionals.

In the end, obtaining a patent is a complex process and requires a deep understanding of patent law and regulations. By following the top five considerations outlined in this article, you can be sure that you are on the right track to obtaining a successful patent for your invention.


Patent Pending,

Patent Application,

US Patent and Trademark Office