We’ve all been there. Whether you’re just starting a business or you’ve been in the game for years, breach of contract is an all-too-common occurrence. It can be highly complex and very serious, so it’s important to make sure you understand the potential consequences. Specifically, if you are based in New York and are looking for counsel that understands local regulations, then there are five key things you need to consider to protect yourself from a breach of contract.

Firstly, you need to understand the basics of contracts and contract law. Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties. They contain specific language that define the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in the agreement. In the event that either party fail to uphold their part of the bargain, then it is considered a breach of contract.

Another key thing to keep in mind is what constitutes a breach of contract. Generally speaking, a breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations or fails to meet the agreed upon terms and conditions of the contract. For example, if you agree to deliver certain goods or services by a certain date, and then fail to do so, it’s considered a breach of contract.

You also need to be aware of the different types of breach of contract. A ‘material’ breach is a serious failure of one of the parties to fulfill the contractual obligations, while a ‘non-material’ breach is a lesser-scale failure to fulfill a relatively minor contractual obligation. Different types of breach of contract can be addressed in different ways, and the remedies you can seek for a breach of contract can vary depending on the type of breach.

It’s also important to understand the consequences of breaching a contract. Each state has different laws surrounding breach of contract, so you’ll need to research the specific regulations and laws of your state. Generally speaking, contract law provides for both monetary damages and non-monetary remedies such as requiring the breaching party to perform specific actions or reversing certain contract provisions.

Finally, there are a few key steps you can take to avoid a breach of contract. Make sure to review the terms and conditions of a contract thoroughly before entering into the agreement - and if any changes need to be made, provide them to the other party in writing. Also, ensure that all required signatures and paperwork are completed prior to any exchange of money or goods.

Understanding the legal implications of breach of contract is essential. Especially if you’re based in New York, seeking guidance from a lawyer with knowledge of local regulations is essential in ensuring you receive the best advice and protect yourself against any potential issues.


Breach of Contract,

Business Lawyers,

Contract Law