Starting an LLC in Texas is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be an overwhelming task for those unfamiliar with the nuances of business and local regulations. Texas imposes several unique regulations on LLCs; and Texas requires that LLCs be handled differently than in other states. Whether you're a small business owner or an experienced entrepreneur, the following five regulations should be taken into consideration when forming an LLC in Dallas.

1. Texas LLC Taxes and Fees

Texas requires that LLCs pay a yearly franchise tax based on calculated income. The rate is currently 0.575% of the LLC’s taxable income, but there are several exemptions and deductions. Additionally, the Texas Secretary of State requires a filing fee of $300 to initiate the registration of an LLC in Dallas. These two fees should be carefully considered when determining the costs of forming an LLC.

2. Choose your Registered Office and Agent

When forming an LLC, it is important to select a registered office and an agent in the state of Texas. A registered office is usually a physical address located within the state, and the registered agent must be available to receive service of process. The registered agent may act as the LLC itself or may be an individual who is authorized to accept official documents on behalf of the LLC.

3. Prepare an Operating Agreement

Operating agreements define the rights, duties, and obligations of LLC members and managers. It’s important to carefully consider and draft a specific operating agreement that outlines the roles and responsibilities of the LLC’s members, managers, and other relevant parties. This document should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the LLC and should meet the legal requirements of the state of Texas.

4. Obtain Licenses and Permits

Depending on the nature of the LLC’s activities, it may be necessary to obtain licenses and permits to operate in Dallas. These may include building permits, zoning approvals, and business permits. Additionally, LLCs must have the requisite tax certifications to conduct business in Texas. It is important to understand the requirements for these documents, as failure to obtain them could result in fines and other legal consequences.

5. Comply with Labor and Employment Laws

LLCs must adhere to all applicable labor and employment laws in Texas. This includes maintaining minimum wage levels, providing fair leave policies, and abiding by various health and safety regulations. LLC members should also be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations regarding hiring and dismissing personnel.

Forming an LLC in Texas can be a complex task that entails understanding local regulations and laws. It is important to be aware of the tax and fee implications of forming an LLC, as well as the requirements for obtaining licenses and permits. Additionally, LLC members should familiarize themselves with Texas labor and employment laws.

An experienced business attorney who is familiar with local regulations and laws can be a valuable asset during the formation of an LLC in Dallas. UpCounsel offers a network of experienced lawyers who are available to provide reliable legal services on an as-needed basis. UpCounsel’s online attorneys have an average of 14 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes, and their network includes business attorneys with a deep understanding of Texas regulations and laws.




Start an LLC