Starting a new business in the Los Angeles region can be exciting and daunting at the same time. Navigating the state and local tax and regulatory environment of Los Angeles can be overwhelming, and if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of business law and the filing requirements, it can be highly beneficial to have experienced legal counsel on your side.

No matter what kind of business you’re launching, you should always consider enlisting the help of an experienced business lawyer. Business lawyers have the expertise and resources to properly advise you on the many legal issues that can arise when setting up, establishing, and running a business in a complex market like the Los Angeles region. They can help you address various compliance issues, protect your company’s interests, and understand the local laws that you must follow.

In this article, we will provide some tips for finding the right counsel to represent your business in the Los Angeles area. We’ll cover topics such as how to research and evaluate potential lawyers, the importance of thoroughly understanding a lawyer’s services, and specialized services available to help you connect with experienced business counsel.

1. Research and Evaluate Potential Lawyers

Before you make a decision on who should represent your business in the Los Angeles area, it’s important to research and evaluate potential lawyers. Begin by speaking to people in your network who can give you honest referrals for lawyers. Contact local organizations and inquire about lawyers they recommend, including the state bar, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Small Business Administration. You can also search online for digital directories of attorneys in your area.

Once you have compiled a list of potential lawyers, look into the attorney’s qualifications and credentials. Pay particular attention to their experience, especially in the areas which are most relevant to the services you need. Additionally, be sure to read reviews and feedback from existing and former clients.

2. Understand the Services Offered by the Lawyer

A business lawyer should provide a thorough and concise explanation of the services offered by their firm. These services should be tailored to the specific needs of your business and should cover the full range of legal aspects related to setting up, operating, and protecting your business in the Los Angeles region. The lawyer should also provide you with an overview of the approximate time frame and cost of their services.

Make sure you understand the attorney’s role and responsibilities in representing your business. Find out if they provide a complete set of legal services or if they are only capable of providing specialized advice. It is also important to establish how communication with the lawyer will be handled. You should also inquire about additional services, such as the creation of contracts, negotiations, and dispute resolution.

3. Specialized Services

In addition to researching and evaluating potential attorneys, there are specialized services available to help you connect with experienced business counsel. UpCounsel is an online legal platform that provides business owners with access to experienced attorneys. The platform features a comprehensive listing of experienced business lawyers from all over the U.S., including California. The platform allows you to search for specialized legal services, such as start-up lawyers, intellectual property lawyers, and employment lawyers in the Los Angeles area.

UpCounsel attorneys have an average of 14 years of experience and have been vetted by the platform for quality and cost effectiveness. Each attorney profile includes client ratings and reviews, so you can easily assess whether or not they are a good fit for your business.

Concluding concepts

Finding the right counsel to represent your business in the Los Angeles region is a critical step in ensuring your business’s success and longevity. To make an informed decision, research and evaluate potential attorneys, and look into specialized services such as UpCounsel. This will ensure that you are getting experienced legal advice catered to the specific needs of your business and that you are working with a lawyer that is experienced in the laws that apply to your business in the Los Angeles region.


Legal Counsel,

Business Lawyer,

Los Angeles