Every business has a responsibility to act in good faith, and to abide by their contracts with all parties, including customers, vendors, employers, employees and business partners. This ethical responsibility protects and serves the interests of all stakeholders and maintains the trust of the public. Breach of contract is a serious allegation, and one which has to be taken seriously, particularly when large sums of money are involved.

For Los Angeles-based businesses, legal actions related to breach of contracts share significant similarities with other parts of the world, but also contain some legal nuances. This article outlines the essential steps that Los Angeles-based businesses should take if they find themselves in the midst of a breach of contract dispute.

First, a clear definition of what constitutes breach of contract is important in order to frame the discussion in the proper legal context. Generally speaking, a breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their explicit or implicit obligations as outlined in the contract. These obligations may include paying a specific amount or performing certain obligations by a pre-arranged date.

When a breach of contract occurs, the injured or aggrieved party has the right to take action, including filing a lawsuit. It is usually in the best interests of both parties to resolve the dispute as quickly and effectively as possible. Though lawsuits are sometimes necessary, they are not always the most prudent path as damage to reputation and public sentiment can result.

Before taking legal action, the injured party should begin by attempting to resolve the breach of contract situation through negotiation with the breaching party. This is a smart approach to take, as it suggests that the aggrieved is serious but still willing to be reasonable in their demands, which can often be a persuasive factor. Ethics, fairness and equity should all be taken into account prior to taking legal action, if practical. A meeting could be requested to discuss the breach and arrange an amicable resolution, either mediated or through the court system.

If the breaching party makes amends or provides a reasonable explanation before legal action is taken, then the aggrieved party could choose to end the dispute without further action. It’s important to remember that the intent is not to punish, but to reach a settlement that will be beneficial to both parties.

When negotiations fail, the aggrieved party should contact an attorney to discuss filing a breach of contract lawsuit. This should be done as soon as possible, so as to build the strongest case and gain a better chance of winning.

In Los Angeles, there are a few nuances to bear in mind when initiating a breach of contract lawsuit. For instance, statute of limitations, which refer to the timeline in which a lawsuit can be filed after the breach, vary slightly from state to state, and often have caveats. An experienced Los Angeles-based attorney should be versed in these nuances that could influence the outcome of a case, making them a valuable asset in any breach of contract dispute.

It’s also important to understand the different types of damages that can be claimed when filing a breach of contract suit. Common types of compensation can include actual, compensatory, punitive and even liquidated damages.

Finally, document organization and management is key in obtaining a favorable resolution to any breach of contract. Forensically sound and authenticated digital records of contract execution and payments, and other relevant evidence, play a crucial role in any legal dispute.

No business should take breach of contract disputes lightly. Acting in good faith and taking the right legal steps towards resolution can help to that end, particularly in Los Angeles.


Breach of Contract,

Los Angeles,
