Bylaws are an essential component of any municipality, as they provide local citizens with guidance and assurance that governing authorities will respect their rights and conduct business in an organized, ethical manner. Of course, each municipality has its own unique set of bylaws regarding everything from taxes to zoning, and understanding what’s expected of property owners and businesses in the area can be a bit of a challenge. Those seeking legal counsel in Los Angeles may find the following FAQs helpful when navigating local bylaw regulations.

Can a landlord break a lease for non-payment?

Yes, a landlord can break a lease for non-payment, but they must follow the correct procedure. Depending on the details of the lease, a landlord must make a formal demand for rent and give the tenant at least three days to make the payment before initiating court proceedings. In some cases, a landlord may be able to evict the tenant within 48 hours if the non-payment is a continuation of other rental violations.

What is the tenant’s responsibility in the event of damage?

In the state of California, tenants are responsible for the repair of any damages they cause to the unit, unless otherwise stated in the written rental agreement. This responsibility includes reasonable wear and tear, as well as any accidental or intentional damage. Tenants are also responsible for damages resulting from visitors, guests, and pets, if applicable. If a tenant fails to repair the damages within a reasonable amount of time, the landlord may make the repairs and add the costs to the tenant’s rent.

What are the penalties for violations of local bylaws?

Local bylaws in the city of Los Angeles set specific regulations for businesses and property owners in the area. Violations of these regulations can result in fines and/or other penalties, including possible revocation of a business license. The exact penalty will vary depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the violation.

What is the best way to protect myself as a business owner?

The best way to protect yourself as a business owner is to become familiar with the local bylaws and make sure you comply with all regulations. Hiring a proactive attorney who specializes in business law is also a smart move. An experienced lawyer can provide counsel on compliance, as well as advice during contract negotiations and other matters. At UpCounsel, our network of business attorneys has an average of 14 years of experience and can help provide the legal support you need. With access to high quality legal services on demand, UpCounsel can help you keep your business safe and compliant.



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