When choosing the best-suited business entity, entrepreneurs often get torn between forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation (Inc). Seeking legal guidance from lawyers experienced with New York regulations is the best way to make a decision that will protect your business from future legal and financial problems. Here are the top five things to consider when making the LLC vs Inc choice.

1. Liability Protection

Both LLCs and Incs provide their owners with protection from personal liability. This means that, in the event of a lawsuit against the business or for failure to pay a debt, the owners’ personal assets remain secure. Although many small businesses use LLCs to provide this liability protection, Incs still have certain advantages. An Inc separates a business’s debts and assets from owners’ personal debts and assets, offering additional protection.

2. Legal Requirements

Forming a business entity also requires certain legal steps. When it comes to LLCs, owners must file articles of organization with their respective Secretary of State. This document dictates the LLC’s structure, legal framework, and business purpose. With Incs, owners must file articles of incorporation and bylaws. The document outlines the ownership structure of the corporation and the company’s purpose. This, in turn, shapes the business's legal identity.

3. Tax Implications

Taxes are another important factor when choosing between LLCs and Incs. Different categories of business entities carry different taxation. LLCs, for instance, may be taxed either as partnerships or sole proprietorships. Incs can be taxed either as C corporations or S corporations. This means that, while owners of LLCs and Incs must pay applicable federal and state taxes like any other business entity, they may have flexibility in choosing how to be taxed.

4. Financial Burden

Forming a business entity also requires certain expenses. LLCs usually require lower start-up costs than Incs. The initial financial burden for an Inc is greater because of the need to prepare additional documents. On the other hand, the extra year-end expenses of Incs can be much lower compared to LLCs. If you are looking for a cost-effective entity that can offer long-term financial and liability protection, LLCs may be your best choice.

5. Governance

Governing the LLC or Inc is an important factor to consider when making the decision between LLCs and Incs. LLCs are generally simpler to set up. Once the articles of organization are filed, the LLC can be managed by its members. Here, members can decide among themselves how the company should be managed, which does require unanimous consent, provided that the LLC does not have more than two members. For Incs, a board of directors is responsible for governing the entity. Setting up the corporation requires the appointment of directors. Depending on the size and objectives of the business, the board may be required to meet at least once a year to discuss the company’s affairs.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between LLCs and Incs requires analyzing the financial performance, legal requirements, and tax implications of each business structure. With this in mind, seeking legal guidance from experienced New York lawyers can help entrepreneurs make the best decision for their businesses. Only then can they be sure that their structures and operations are in compliance with local regulations and offer complete protection from personal liability.


LLC vs Inc,


New York Regulations