Updated June 28, 2020:

What is a Makeup Artist Service Agreement?

Service agreements are important for contractors who provide services because they outline the arrangement's terms and conditions. As a makeup artist, you will need to specify what types of makeup services you will provide in the agreement. Other questions to clearly answer in the contract include:

  • Is the makeup service for an event?
  • When will the event take place?
  • How will the makeup artist be paid?

The contract will also reaffirm that there is no employer/employee relationship because the makeup artist works as an independent contractor.

A strong legal contract for makeup artists will include:

  • General provisions
  • Services to be performed
  • Supplies and equipment
  • Expenses and payment provisions

Topics to Include in a Makeup Artist's Contract

The client should let the makeup artist know when they need them for services. Include the dates and times in the contract so both the client and makeup artist can arrange their schedules accordingly. If the makeup artist has a staff, you will also need to work around the entire team's availability.

Some contracts stipulate practices and rehearsals before the major event. This provision gives the makeup artist a chance to do a “practice run,” and for the client to make any necessary changes so they will feel satisfied on the big day. If you're working a large event like a runway show, practice on various models with a range of skin and hair types to ensure the look can be mimicked for every model.

In some cases, you may need to include a travel provision. Makeup artists should estimate the costs of lodging, travel, and food while providing services at major events because these costs easily consume the artist's profit margins. Discuss these expenses with the client beforehand and build them into the fee schedule. Although tempting for clients to require the cosmetologist to arrange their own travel, it's best for everyone involved if all expenses are covered.

Some makeup artists offer a full makeup package complete with prepared makeup kits, but others have to buy specific makeup products and tools to pull off certain looks. If a client is asking for a look that requires additional tools, specify these products in the contract. Keep in mind that some clients or models may be allergic to cosmetic ingredients and you might have to accommodate their special needs.

On the day of the event, you may have needs for putting together your workspace. Make sure the client understands if you need particular lighting, mirrors, outlets, or furniture. For example, you could state in the contract that you must have quick access to a sink for easy cleanup.

Tips For Brides Hiring Makeup Artists

Aside from fashion shows and shoots, makeup artists are often hired by brides to complete their looks for their wedding. If you're getting married and you want to hire a trained cosmetologist, you need to research your options and perform due diligence.

When you've found the perfect makeup artist, don't forget to solidify the arrangement with a legal contract. Service agreements keep both the client and service provider honest, and transparency is key, especially during a wedding when multiple vendors are being juggled.

A strong makeup artist contractor for a wedding day should include policies related to:

  • Payment
  • Deposit
  • Prices
  • Cancellation
  • Additional fees
  • Expectations

There's no room for error where additional fees are concerned, so you need to clearly state the service prices in the agreement. If there's ever a misunderstanding, you and the makeup artist can refer to the contract.

A contract also protects the bride from the unexpected. What happens if your makeup artist doesn't show up on your wedding day? Aside from panicking, it's nice to know you will get a refund or can take legal action against the service provider. On the flip side, if you fail to pay the makeup artist, the contract outlines the actions they can take to get you to make good on the payment.

If you need help drafting a legal contract for a makeup artist, post your job on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.