When determining whether an LLC is a corporation, there are many variables to consider. Depending on your location, laws can differ as to the definition of an LLC and the benefits of choosing to incorporate. It’s important to understand how LLCs are controlled, taxed, and regulated so you can make an informed decision for your business needs. Here are five things to keep in mind if you’re looking into forming an LLC as a corporation in New York.

1. Limited Liability Protection

One of the primary reasons for forming an LLC as a corporation is to ensure that the assets of business owners are separate from the liabilities of the business itself. This limited liability protection ensures that the owners of the LLC are not held responsible for any debts accrued by the business. In New York, LLCs are regulated by the Limited Liability Company Law (LLCL). This regulation stipulates, among other things, the formation and reporting requirements for the LLC as well as how it is taxed.

2. Taxes

When filing taxes, LLCs are treated differently than traditional corporations. In New York, LLCs are subject to the same taxes as most other business entities—income tax, franchise tax, sales tax, and unemployment insurance. However, LLCs are not subject to double taxation like traditional corporations are. This is because an LLC does not distribute profits back to the owners, instead the profits are passed through to the owners who must claim the income on their personal tax returns.

3. Filing Requirements

When forming an LLC as a corporation in New York, it is important to understand the various filing requirements that must be met. All LLCs must file an initial Certificate of Formation with the Department of State, which includes the name of the company, the members, and other information required by the state. Additionally, LLCs must file an annual report each year with the Division of Corporations, Business and Charitable Organizations.

4. Corporate Formation and Governance

Another important factor for consideration when forming an LLC as a corporation in New York is the corporate formation and governance of the LLC. The LLC is governed by members and a designated manager who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. The LLC also must draft an operating agreement which outlines the rules and regulations of the LLC and establishes the rights, responsibilities, and duties of the members.

5. Corporate Maintenance

When an LLC is formed, it is important to understand the ongoing corporate maintenance that must be completed. This includes the filing of annual reports, documents with the state, and filing taxes. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the LLC to keep accurate financial records, pay any taxes that may be due, and maintain licenses and permits.

When considering whether an LLC is a corporation, there are many variables to consider. It’s important to understand all of the requirements for forming and operating an LLC as a corporation in New York. Understanding the legal and tax implications, filing requirements, corporate formation and governance, and corporate maintenance of an LLC are all important factors in determining whether to form an LLC as a corporation.




New York