A unilateral contract is an agreement between two parties where one party makes a binding promise in exchange for the performance of an act or promise of another party. This type of contract is commonly used in business transactions in the Dallas area, as it can provide businesses with an effective and straightforward way to ensure that services are performed as they were agreed upon. However, it is important to understand the complexities of these contracts and how to best use them in Dallas.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of how to get started with unilateral contracts in Dallas. We will go over the different types of contractual agreement, the legal requirements, and some tips and tricks for making sure your contract is legally binding.

Types of Unilateral Contracts

When discussing unilateral contracts, there are two types of contracts that you should be aware of: implied-in-fact contracts and expressed contracts. These contracts differ slightly in their application and are each suited to different types of agreement.

An implied-in-fact contract is an agreement that is inferred from the circumstances of the parties involved. These contracts tend to be implied as part of a course of action, often without the need for a written agreement.

An expressed contract is a written agreement between the parties and has two distinct parts: the offer and acceptance. It is important to note that expressed contracts require the matters of the agreement to be written down and must be signed by both parties.

Legal Requirements

Any unilateral contract in Dallas is subject to the laws of the Texas statute of frauds. This law requires that for certain types of contracts to be considered legally binding, they must be implemented in a written agreement that is signed and delivered by all parties involved.

When drawing up a unilateral contract in Dallas, it is important that all of the specifics are laid out in writing, such as the terms, the desired result, and the stipulations that each party must follow in order to fulfill their obligations. All of this information should be detailed in the contract and should be agreed upon by all parties involved.

Tips for Drafting an Agreement

When creating a unilateral contract, it is important to ensure that all of the necessary details are included in the agreement. Additionally, it is important to consult with a legal professional who understands the complexities of unilateral contracts in Dallas. These professionals can help make sure that the contract is legally binding and enforceable.

Additionally, it is important to schedule regular reviews of the agreement. Contracts should be reviewed at least once every two years to ensure that all of the terms are up-to-date and that nothing has changed in the course of the agreement. Regular reviews will help reduce legal risks and ensure that the agreement is in accordance with the current laws and regulations.

Getting Started

When beginning a unilateral contract in Dallas, it is important to have the necessary information and resources available. It is also important to have access to experienced lawyers who are familiar with the laws and regulations of the state of Texas.

Fortunately, there are a number of experienced legal resources in the Dallas area that can provide businesses with the support and guidance they need. UpCounsel is an online platform that connects businesses with experienced lawyers who specialize in business law and can provide legal guidance and support to businesses of all sizes. With access to experienced lawyers on demand, businesses can rest assured that their contracts are legally binding and up to date.


Unilateral Contract,


Business Law