When a person’s reputation is attacked, they may seek legal action and filing a defamation case is one possible route. Defamation law can vary from one jurisdiction to another, so it is imperative to find a lawyer that specializes in such cases and understands local law. If you’re in the Dallas area and are looking for legal counsel, UpCounsel is the best place to start. With their network of experienced lawyers, you can gain access to high-quality and cost-effective legal services with the help of an attorney that has an average of 14 years of experience.

Defamation is one of the oldest known torts where one person wrongs another through words or actions. Defamation is the act of knowingly making a false statement to damage a person’s reputation. It can be committed through both words and actions, which is why it is sometimes referred to as "libel and slander.” Libel is a written or published defamation, whereas slander is a spoken defamation.

Defamation consists of two essential elements and for a case to hold up the person who is claiming to have been defamed must prove them both. It must be shown that there was a false statement made about them with intent to damage them and that the statement damaged the person in question’s reputation. It is important to remember that the person in question does not need to prove that they were actually harmed, only that they were defamed.

When it comes to defamation, there are a few things to keep in mind when getting started. First, the person who was defamed must prove that the statement was both false and that it was made with the intention to harm. The burden of proof is on the allegedly defamed individual, and they must have solid evidence to support their case. Secondly, the law surrounding defamation varies from one jurisdiction to another, so it is important to find a lawyer that specializes in the law and is familiar with local regulations.

When searching for a lawyer, consider utilizing UpCounsel's attorney network. Whether you need a one-time consult or an entire freelance legal department, UpCounsel has you covered. Business attorneys at UpCounsel have an average of 14 years of experience and their profiles showcase customer ratings and reviews of recent work.

In addition to finding the appropriate lawyer to handle the case, it is also important to note that there are possible defenses to defamation, such as truth, opinion, privilege, immunity, and consent. For example, an individual cannot be held liable for defamation if, when making the statement, they had reason to believe that it was true.

The legal process of a defamation case starts with the filing of a complaint. The person who is claiming to have been defamed must notify the other party in writing and provide them with a certain amount of time to respond. If the other party does not respond or denies the claim, then the filing party must begin gathering evidence to support their case. Depending on the severity of the case, it may go to court or can sometimes be resolved outside of court through mediation or arbitration.

When it comes to defamation, it is important to have the right legal counsel to ensure that your case is handled correctly. UpCounsel is the best place to start when looking for legal counsel. With their network of experienced attorneys, you will be able to gain access to high-quality and cost-effective legal services that are specific to your case and local laws.


Defamation Law,


UpCounsel Lawyers