Intellectual property (IP) is a vital asset for most businesses today. To ensure that you are adequately protecting the ideas and creations of your business, it is important to understand what intellectual property is and how to develop a comprehensive strategy to protect it. This includes understanding the basics of intellectual property definition and having a reliable legal partner who can help you with any specific questions or concerns that come up. By following these tips, you can ensure you have the right legal protection for your Los Angeles business.

What is Intellectual Property?

The term “intellectual property” encompasses a wide range of intellectual creations such as ideas, logos, processes, and other creations that can be used to benefit the business and the creator’s wallet. IP is divided into two main categories: industrial property, which includes inventions, trademarks, and designs, and copyright works, which includes literary works, music, and computer software. Depending on the particular asset, different forms of protection are available and may include patents, trademarks, or copyrights.

RAFT Strategy for IP Protection

To ensure that you adequately protect your intellectual property, a Raft strategy should be implemented. This strategy is a system of protection, registration, enforcement, and termination that governs the development and protection of IP.

1. Research: Before beginning to protect your IP, research should be done to determine the type of intellectual property you need to protect and to learn the different types of protection that is available. This allows you to determine the best choice for your business and to avoid any costly missteps.

2. Analysis: Once a specific IP asset has been identified, analyze it to determine the best way to protect it under available laws. Gather background information, research existing similar works, and consider how best to protect the assets.

3. Filing: Once a course of action has been determined the next step is to file applications for any needed registration, patents, or trademarks.

4. Termination: The final step is to end the protection of any intellectual property that is no longer useful or needed.

Partner with an Experienced IP Attorney

IP protection can be daunting, but a qualified attorney can help ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect the ideas and creations of your business. An experienced intellectual property attorney can help you evaluate IP protection options, identify IP assets, and secure the appropriate legal protection for each asset. The attorney can also help you manage any disputes and defend against infringements or pirating.

When looking for an IP lawyer, make sure to select one who has a deep understanding of the local laws and regulations that govern IP protection in Los Angeles. UpCounsel is a great place to quickly connect with experienced attorneys who have the needed expertise to support your business.


Intellectual property,

IP protection,

Ip litigation