Getting started with forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the state of New York can seem overwhelming. With the many rules and regulations for setting up an LLC and understanding all of the steps of the process, Long Island City business attorneys can provide you with the necessary legal counsel so that you properly execute all of the duties related to the process. The goal is to ensure that your business is compliant with New York LLC laws when it comes to finances, operations, employee management, and taxes.

The purpose of this article is to provide readers with a comprehensive and straightforward guide to forming your New York-based LLC. We have broken the process down into simple, step-by-steps to make it easier to understand and apply. Even if you have some knowledge of business law, consulting a business lawyer in New York can help you understand local requirements and navigate the LLC formation process with as few bumps and hiccups as possible.

What is an LLC?

LLCs were created to provide business owners with a more flexible and advantageous corporate structure than the traditional corporation. An LLC has a shield against personal liability, which means that business owners can enjoy the benefits of limited personal liability from the LLC’s debts and other financial obligations. Moreover, LLCs are easy to set up and maintain, with less paperwork and fewer regulations than other corporate structures.

Every business owner should consult with an attorney to ensure that they are selecting the best corporate structure for their individual needs, but for most small businesses, LLCs are an optimal choice.

Step-by-Step Guide for LLC Formation in New York

Step 1: Name Your LLC

Create a unique and fitting LLC name that complies with New York’s naming rules. Your name must end with “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.” and you must also pay attention to any other words that are prohibited from use in your LLC name. Furthermore, your LLC must not be too similar to the name of an existing LLC. You can review the list of already registered names with the state online.

Step 2: Appoint a Registered Agent

Every LLC in New York must designate a person or business entity that agrees to accept legal documents and other important mail on behalf of your company. This registered agent must be completely independent of the business, cannot be included on documents sent to the state, and must have a physical address in New York.

Step 3: File the Articles of Organization

Once you have met the naming and registered agent requirements, you can proceed to fill out the Articles of Organization form and submit your filing to the New York Department of State. The application will require you to include important information about your LLC including the names of the owners, the name and address of your LLC, protections for owners and more.

Step 4: Create an Operating Agreement

Although they are not required by New York state law, LLCs should create a thorough operating agreement that sets forth the expectations and responsibilities of each member. This agreement should include details about ownership percentages, sharing of profits and losses, and working rules.

Step 5: Obtain an EIN

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit code assigned to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service. Any LLC in New York must obtain an EIN to open a business bank account and pay taxes. Applying for an EIN is free and generally requires only five minutes of your time.

Step 6: Comply with Other Requirements

Depending on the type of business you are setting up, you may need to comply with other registration requirements. For example, businesses operating with food items must obtain a license, hire an environmental management consultant and more.

Working with a Legal Professional

Navigating the process of setting up and forming an LLC in New York can be confusing, especially if you do not have prior experience or knowledge of this realm of the law. Having the aid of an experienced business lawyer who understands corporate regulations and specialties can help ensure that your LLC is properly set up and that you meet all the legal requirements associated with doing business in the state.

At UpCounsel, we have an extensive network of Long Island City business lawyers who specialize in forming and setting up New York LLCs. When you hire an attorney through our platform, you have access to lawyers with an average of 14 years of experience, excellent client reviews, and more. The attorneys on UpCounsel understand the local regulations and can provide counsel on any questions you may have throughout the process.

Last reflections

Forming an LLC in New York does not need to be a difficult or intimidating process. With the help of experienced business lawyers and our step-by-step guide, you can make the experience easier. To ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible, consider hiring a professional lawyer to guide you through the process and provide counsel on any legal questions you have.


LLC formation,

New York LLC,

business lawyers