Copyrighting an original work is an effective way to protect the intellectual property that you have created from being misused or taken without permission. The copyright process takes time, but the benefits and protection provided by securing your work are worth the effort. Learning more about the federal Copyright Act and the registration process is the best first step to protecting your creations. If you want to acquire copyright protection in the Chicago area, this article offers an overview of the process and advice on the best way to proceed.

In general, copyright law applies to any work of art or literature that has been written, fixed, or otherwise sensibly recorded and created by an individual or a business. Ideas are usually not protected by copyright law, but the finished product is. Music, artwork, literary works, and photo compositions can all be protected when done in a tangible form and uniquely created.

Identifying Your Creation

The first step in applying for a copyright is to properly identify your creation and make sure it doesn't infringe upon any existing or preexisting work. Examine your work to ensure it contains original content and is truly an original work. You may want to consider researching the work to get an idea of any possible conflicts or existing works that could be similar.

Choosing the Right Copyright Application

The Copyright Act outlines registration requirements and fees for applications. Depending on the type of work you are filing, your registration fee with the United States Copyright Office will vary. If you are registering a single work by single author, the registration fees will likely be cheaper than a multiple work or group registration. The Copyright Office also charges extra for rush requests and non-standard services.

Preparing the Work and Forms for Copyright Application in Chicago

Once the fee and other requirements have been determined, you can begin to prepare your work and associated forms to submit for copyright registration. The application may require a copy of your original work, a list of the authors/creators of the work, a description of the work (including any possible derivative works), and an explanation as to why the work is protected under the copyright act. Filing a copyright application typically requires a physical signature, so any forms must be physically signed.

Submitting the Application to the US Copyright Office in Chicago

After the application is complete and signed, you must submit it to the US Copyright Office along with the proper fee. You should keep records of the application including copies of any correspondence and documents. Once your application is accepted, a Certificate of Registration will be issued and you will have a valid copyright. The copyright certificate is widely accepted as proof you own the work and is often necessary to enforce the copyright.

Enforcing Copyright Law in Chicago

Copyright enforcement is the key to protecting and preserving intellectual property. It's important to monitor the internet for any misuse or copyright violations. Once you detect a violation, you can start taking action to protect your work.

Seeking Legal Advice

When dealing with the complexities of copyright law in the Chicago area, it's wise to seek legal advice from experienced business attorneys. UpCounsel’s network of experienced lawyers can provide guidance in understanding the statutes and regulations related to the Copyright Act and copyright enforcement in your local area.


Copyright Act,

Registration Process,

Intellectual Property