Indemnity definition is an important legal understanding that all Los Angeles business professionals must have. Indemnity refers to a legal agreement in which one party agrees to take responsibility or provide loss protection for another party in certain matters. When a Los Angeles business professional enters into an agreement, they should understand the unique aspects of indemnity definition and use them to protect their business interests as thoroughly as possible.

This in-depth guide to indemnity definition will provide Los Angeles business professionals with the knowledge they need to choose the right indemnity clauses for their contracts or other legal proceedings, review and negotiate these terms, and access the necessary support through UpCounsel.

What is the Purpose of Indemnity Definition?

The primary purpose of indemnity definition in Los Angeles or any other jurisdiction is to provide loss protection to one party or parties by the other party or parties. An indemnity is a contractual provision that states that one of the parties to the agreement will assume responsibility for costs or losses that may arise due to certain actions or events. This includes compensating a party for If either party is found to be liable in the event of a legal dispute, the indemnifying party is responsible for making any necessary payments.

There are two main types of indemnity agreements used in Los Angeles and other California cities. Contractual Indemnities and Common Law Indemnities. Contractual Indemnities are indemnity agreements which have been specified in contracts and understandings between parties, while Common Law Indemnities are general indemnity agreements which are implied by law.

How to Negotiate Indemnity Definition Terms

When negotiating indemnity definition terms, Los Angeles business professionals should keep in mind the purpose of such agreements. Indemnity clauses should be as clear and specific as possible in order to protect the interests of both parties. It is important to specify just what kinds of losses or compensation are the responsibility of the indemnifying party, as well as what is expected of the indemnifying party in terms of payment and other obligations.

In addition, it is important to specify the scope of the indemnifying party's liability. Indemnity agreements can be limited to a certain period of time, certain circumstances or limited to a certain amount of money. When specifying this scope, care should be taken to ensure that the indemnifying party is not exposed to an unreasonable amount of liability.

It is also important to make sure that the agreement does not violate any applicable laws. Laws regarding how indemnity agreements are used differ from state to state, and in some cases, may be overruled by certain government regulations.

How Los Angeles Business Professionals Can Access Support on Indemnity Definition

UpCounsel is a platform that provides access to experienced lawyers who specialize in indemnity definition for Los Angeles business professionals. The online platform allows professionals to easily access legal counsel who have a comprehensive understanding of indemnity terms and can provide in-depth analysis to ensure the best possible contract is drafted in any agreement.

Furthermore, bit UpCounsel allows business professionals to connect with experienced attorneys who are able to provide explanations of complex legal terms, review contracts, and negotiate changes in indemnity terms. This comprehensive service eliminates the need for Los Angeles business professionals to secure separate legal counsel for their indemnity needs.


Indemnity definition is an important legal understanding that Los Angeles business professionals should have in order to protect their business interests in any agreements they enter into. By understanding the purpose of indemnity agreements, negotiating specific indemnity definitions, and accessing the necessary support from UpCounsel, business professionals can make sure they receive the strongest indemnity protection possible.


Indemnity Definition,

Business Professionals,

Los Angeles